Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 47 – 2/1/2017

Named Freely Flowing February 1 2017

what a confluence of riches today…  the first day of the moon of freely flowing february and it’s imbolc, the first day of the new year of the ancient earth rhythms calendar and it’s the first day of  world harmony week and the first day of black history month and…

most of all, this day, this moment is a new beginning, of a moment that’s been quietly forming in the background constellating out of where we put our energy, our thoughts, words and deeds, the seeds we plant with every breath…

in this moment of new beginning, will you join me in dreaming into now a just world of love and peace?  thousandfold thanks… namaste…

My Soul honors your Soul. I honor the place in you where the Infinite resides. I honor the light, love, truth, beauty and peace within you, and I honor this within me. I surrender to the Divine in me and I connect to the Divine in you. . .