Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3/3 Years – Day 337/1067 – 11/17/2016


i turn again to MLK as i continue in the company of so many courageous souls with the visioning of a life-sustaining world, the beautiful world we all want and how do we get there… i know in my heart that how we get there is where we get which is why it is critical for us to come together and stand for love… this path of peacefully saying no to hatred in all its forms in an affirmative, fiercely loving way, speaking truth to power is the way of all successful movements effecting lasting change…  when we use tactics of force, words of denigration and the like, this is what we’ll create…

so, i’ll say again and again, now is the moment to dig deep within right down to the core, to the stillpoint, to our essence, our essence of love and to be impeccable in returning with every breath to the wellspring of source…

being the change, standing for love…