Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3/3 Years – Day 320/1050 – 10/31/2016

named-openhearted-october-31-japanese-garden-o-bon-2014-008today we celebrate an ancient Celtic Fire Festival on a day known for the veils being the thinnest between light and dark, life and death, a liminal space, an in between time… a sacred space to be like a shedding snake or tree… shedding an old skin or leaves and resting in the dark while the fire turns to ash and is spread on the earth to create the new…

a day to reflect on what to die to, what to let go of as we embark on a journey into the unknown… a day to connect with ancestors and the unchanging wisdom of the sages…

a day to dance in the dark, in great mystery… a day to surrender to the rhythm of eternity… in truth, there is no separation… no veils, no closed doors, no locked gates… today, i release limitation and loosen the sail of imagination… to valorously sally forth and stand unconditionally in a gathering of boundless love…