Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 214 – 7/17/2016

Named Joyous July 17 Pathless Path Metolius River 11-8-15 080

the phrase, the center will not hold, has been flowing through me continuously for days in the light of the steady stream of tragic loss by natural disasters and violent actions… the center is not holding, all around we see breakdown, collapse and disorder… we feel an undercurrent of anxiety, many of us feel numb, some feel rage, what are we to do?

today, i am reminded of the other side of that coin through the old Irish myth of when the center falls apart, the pieces don’t disappear, they move to the margins, to the edge of the circle… as pieces of the center now living on the edge, our task is to pick up a thread and weave our way back to the center along the road less traveled, the pathless path and when enough of us do this a new world is created, a world where we live in peace built by justice and informed by our inner journey into our one heart where we rest in the stillness and listen for the voice of wisdom…

and then, we return to the world to share what has been revealed, we make our sacred contribution in co-creating a world that works for all… no one being can solve our problems, it’s going to take our global village with each one of us opening to source, finding our thread, our peace of the pie, what’s ours to do and then our coming back together to weave a center that holds where we stand together solidly built on a foundation of unity…

thousandfold thanks for our flowing together in beauty…