today’s new moon… a blessingway of mystery… a sinking down into the good earth, a synching into the mysterious rhythm of the cosmos… a timeless travel deeper and deeper through infinite space… an arriving home into the place we all be longing for, the place of belonging, pure presence… a drawing down of the magic of this supermoon empowering seeing everything as if for the first time… seeing everything as sacred, everything as filled with grace, everything as a mirror of the one great mystery… thank you, thank you, thank you, dear sister moon for reflecting the light within, the light that always shines even in the darkest moments of impermanence, the ever changing tides of life… thank you for this moment, this beautiful moment of walking the path of reverence in rhythm with cosmic harmony awakened more fully to the magical mystery tour, the beautyway blessing of a new beginning with each breath, with this breath, in this moment, every moment…