i love celebrating every breath with thanksgiving,,, breathing in… be thanks… breathing out… thanks be… a seamless circle of giving thanks i’ve been dwelling in for almost 4 years while occupying the abundance of infinite love and gratitude… today is an important anniversary date for me of a pivotal event that happened 38 years ago so this wedding vibrates at the master number of 11, a magical number for a magical day with so many magical relations, as in all my relations, gracing this moment, this magical moment of devotion to a path with heart, a path of compassion, a path of practicing being ever more for (pro) giving… yes, in this moment, i open myself to being more and more for giving, first to myself and rippling out gifting with every breath to all that is, we co-create the most beautiful wave of rainbow light encircling the cosmos, an unbroken circle of peace and harmony, wedding the many into the one…
may we all smile with one another as we breathe thanksgiving deeply through our one heart embracing and reverencing all that is and be organically present, emptiness now (open) in this moment, this magical moment…
namaste, beloveds…