yes, Yes, YES! You Are So Beautiful!! Take this moment, this beautiful moment to breathe in your beauty and breathe it out with an exuberant YES!
today, i celebrate two years of living Hell YES! when something arises and i’m resonating wholeheartedly, hearing/feeling/sensing in every wild cell Hell YES!, i go for it full steam ahead… this practice grew organically from a practice begun almost four years ago of saying thank you to everything that arises.. of course there are many things that confound my mind as to why be thankful for that which is the beauty of the practice and is like contemplating a koan… it is a tried and true path for opening the heart this saying thank you, this saying yes, Yes, YES! Hell YES!
breathing in, feel something positive… breathing out, say yes… breathing in energy, breathing out yes… breathing in peace… breathing out yes…
may we all feel our one heart, all that is, whispering yes, Yes, YES with every breath…