Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 115 – 4/10/2015

Named Awesome April 10 Heart Pilgrimage Jo Well Too 4-10-15

meditating around the well in the very heart of the great mother’s heart,

we tune into beloved’s cosmic hum and awaken with the central sun…

radiating shimmering waves of luminescence coloring our multiverse  rainbow,

the celestial chorus sings out hallelujah and the hills ring bells in synchrony…

 reaching out our hands to one another forming a circle forever unbroken,

we are a golden mirror of the divine, we are beloved…


today ends the outer pilgrimage and begins the inner pilgrimage which, like love, is eternal… as we scatter to the winds, we retrace our steps through the long and winding re-birth canal breathing in, being the transformation we are always…