as i prepare to journey on an outer world pilgrimage of the heart, i need more and more dreamtime, more and more true refuge in the tiny space of the heart and while i rest in the space of the deep song and running waves, i am flanked by and hold paws with our sea otter tribe ensuring we all stay connected and do not drift from each other during the dark night…
what a comfort to rise gently pausing in the in between space, magical land of mists, awakening from dreamtime, neither here nor there carried by dragonfly into luminescence… witnessing the world dragonfly spins magically, a mirror reflecting wondrous beauty… a web so intricate connecting all inextricably…
i love our world of great wonder and mystery even when i don’t or especially when i don’t; for in these moments when i can stay open and see what is, the weaver of wonder always delivers gifts beyond imagining, treasures of the heart…
thousandfold thanks for this wondrous day and for all accompanying me along the way… our one heart beams radiantly…