Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 365 – December 16, 2014

Named Plgrimage of PEACE Ocean 5-13-2009

one whole turn around the sun of flowing in beauty on the poetic peace pilgrimage which is quite simply breathing into presence, being the now, embracing what is and…

Named Divine 3 Kaua'i Room with a View++++

along this path of heart, this path of purification, this path of polishing the heart, i keep coming back with every breath, with every step into infinite love and gratitude, coming back home to the heart where i experience over and over again a…

Named Blessingway 11 Oregon Coast Pilgrimage July 2014 003 Wildpeace


Named Trees 28 Kaua'i 11-28-14 019 Rainbow


how i love this practice of pilgrimage, being a poet on an interior deep sea journey where we are all walking each other home…

Named Kaua'i 11-28-14 028+

and we are all…

Named Rainbow Sea of Love Harmony++

thanks for showing up with every breath and sharing the journey…

flowing in beauty

in the field of divine grace

always being the soul of that place


2 thoughts on “Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 365 – December 16, 2014

  1. Beautiful, Jo! Congratulations and thank you for bringing light and love to our lives for a whole year and counting! Many many many…. more to come!

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