Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 363- 12/14/2023

Honoring the 1th Anniversary of the Sandy Hook Massacre

“There’s a revolution that needs to happen and it starts from inside each one of us.”

~ Thich Nhat Hanh ~

i write again today of the necessary revolution in this sacred moment of great turning and cosmic rite of passage… the revolution i write of today is one of consciousness, a bold adventure the cosmos invites us to explore as foretold in other moments of eternity by the grandmothers calling for the ceremony of the children’s fire…

there came a time when the grandmothers noticed it was the moment to focus on the good of the village and to remind the earthlings of how to be… they called in the spirits of the ancestors and the teachers and the unborn generations and the spirit of fire to kindle a flame which they nurtured and tendered and placed in the center of the wisdom council where the villagers sit in circle…

the grandmothers called on all the relatives to take a pledge repeating these words… in every action, in every thought, in every decision, i promise to hold the good of the children of all beings in this generation and for seven generations hence and this is my sacred vow…

may all of us tend the inner flame supported by the communitas of the invisible realms holding in our one heart and living out this sacred calling to always put first the good of the whole, to do what is best for the children…

let’s close our outer eyes and tune in with our inner vision to the eternal flame within as we follow our breath noticing how our breath is in rhythm with the waves of life, with the tides’ ebb and flow, the waning and waxing of the moon, the changing of seasons all inextricably interconnected with the rhythms of mama gaia’s breath… breathing in and breathing out… love… light… as we continue to breathe in from Pachamama, notice if there is any tension in your body and if so, shake it off and get all loosey goosey… breathing in deep relaxation into the body, breathing out an ecstatic ahh… breathing in, I smile… breathing out, i start my internal love engine…

now, let’s go deep inside to connect with where we carry our soul light… do you feel it in your heart? crown? 3rd eye? throat? soular plexus? belly? root? Take your time… it may look like a beautiful candle flame, a burning ember, a flashlight, a lantern, a whirling vortex of pure white light… however your soul light appears and feels, rest assured it is always shining brightly…

now, look very closely at your light and see silver threads emanating from your soul light… we are going to follow these threads finding any and all fractures and splinters to heal, to whole, to bless and bring home… look for the threads and follow them back and back and back through all dimensions… you may find 2 or 3 or several hundred, simply follow them looking at each one closely, healing it, blessing it and bringing it home one after the other and notice with each fragment returning home into the circle of unconditional love how your soul light is brightened a thousand fold with every fragment that returns home… the healing happens so quickly with each thread so happy to be re-woven into the gr8 tapestry of soul light that is more and more luminous with every re-union… take this moment and luxuriate in the warm embrace of the astonishing light of our being real-eye-sing your sacred nature as a tree reaching the light of the stars and re-membering 3 essences: that we are to always walk in beauty and be of service, that we are to always be in ceremony, in sacred space and that once we have moved from nowhere to now here we are to celebrate… finally, re-member, we can return here any time – we are the eternal radiance, we are the luminous shining ones we’ve been waiting for…

yes, we are the ones moving from nowhere to now here

anxiety, overwhelm, listlessness, disorientation, frustration, heartbreak and tenderness are some of the feelings many of us are experiencing in this nowhere, in-between phase of the great mutation, transfiguring us from caterpillars to butterflies and is the kind of place we usually want to avoid… we are challenged to stay in this nowhere space rather than buy into struggle and complaint, to soften us rather than make us more rigid and afraid… when we are brave enough to stay in nowhere, compassion arises like the sun… organically dissolving into the caterpillar stew of not knowing, not hoping to know, and not acting like we know what cannot be known, dying to the false self, we open to birthing the true self, our new butterfly way of being…

take heart! we are made for this moment of coming home to now here from nowhere…

always being, always becoming… always arrived, always arriving…

may we  wander from nowhere to now here with hearts wide open letting golden light sync into every pore feeling mama gaia singing us, dancing us, pulsing us, breathing us, celebrating us, loving us, at-oneing us, blessing us… deep peace of gaia’s humming resonance…

come, join with me standing in love for love in the center of interbeing around the children’s fire where we dream the new story, where singing waters hum in harmony bathing the new world lovingly, peacefully, joyfully, beautifully, where we build beloved community in the new jerusalem of stillness… behold, graceland!

now is the moment for inner awakening, for listening for the call of soul, the whispers of our one heart encouraging our slowing down to come home and tend the garden of our genius, the spark of light, the inner flame that is eternal and immortal, the dream that will never die…. yes, may we be instruments of  peace built on justice guided by love, hollow reeds of flowing lovingkindness…
