“…And this was my true task, to be the
music of the body. Do you understand? for truly the body needs
a song, a spirit, a soul. And no less, to make this work,
the soul has need of a body,
and I am both of the earth and I am of the inexplicable
beauty of heaven
where I fly so easily, so welcome, yes,
and this is why I have been sent, to teach this to your heart.”
~ Mary Oliver ~
today, i have listened to so many songs of grief and loss and shock as more and more witnesses of the tragedy on Maui come forward to resound what is unfolding on the island paradise now looking like an atomic bomb dropped so that all i want to do is gather our relations together and sing songs of mourning for all those suffering across the planet…
alas, today, all i have in me is the energy to be with and to re-member we are almost at the 5th anniversary of the songbird known as the queen of soul, the first woman inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, child musical prodigy, civil rights activist, touchstone of the times calling us, singing us into the core of being where love, beauty and truth abide, this extraordinary/ordinary being circling around the cosmos singing us home to our one heart…
more than ever, we need the truth and power of Aretha’s soul song… may we be inspired to walk the talk, to dance the soul song of r-e-s-p-e-c-t Aretha so beautifully emanated…
i still can’t re-member a time without her voice echoing in the background, thankfully, her voice echoes eternally as do all the voices of the departed…
synchronously, i also re-member a dream of seven years ago of being in a field where the Beloved Communion dwells and hearing that our mission is to sing, to be the music of the earth body… i sync into the rhythm of the waves listening for the soul song singinging us home…
are you hearing beloved singing you? listen a little deeper for the cosmic hum as you suspend noise and distraction in this moment, this sacred moment… are you hearing the whispers of the ancestors flowing through our oceanic body? ah yes, let’s pause here in the stillpoint and align with the rhythm of our one cosmic heart…
may earth’s song reach into our deepest and wildest sacred spaces… may we hear the melodic voices of all our relations: stones, stars, streams, breezes, sand, sun, ocean, currents, plants, starfish, seas, planets, creatures, rivers, and winds… may our inhalations inspire and our exhalations re-sound and re-verberate lovingkindness and harmony throughout the watery womb of our one heart…
sing, sing, wherever you are, a song of compassion blessing pachamama, the spirit of land, the spirit of life, the one spirit encircling all in the great web of life intricately interconnecting all our relatives as one body with trillions and trillions of molecules resonating and harmoni-sing as we converge into one vast field of love…