from the Peace Alliance:
“July marks the 22nd anniversary of the modern-era Department of Peacebuilding (DoP/ HR 1111) legislation, which was initially introduced on July 11, 2001 – before the Twin Towers fell exactly two months later on 9/11 – before the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan – before the commonality of mass shootings in schools, theaters, clubs, festivals, supermarkets, churches and synagogues -before escalation of racially-driven hate crimes, domestic violence and bullying DoP legislation has been introduced in every Congress since 2001. WHAT IF? What if we had a cabinet-level Department of Peacebuilding? “If you want to change things, it requires bravery,” said Naftali Bennett. What if our legislators took the courageous step of making peacebuilding a national priority? We know there are ways to reduce and prevent violence and that these can be taught in our schools and communities. We know restorative practices, restorative justice, nonviolent communication, mindfulness, anger management, kindness and compassion build peace. These practices and programs are part of the Department of Peacebuilding bill. Let’s not face saying “what if” 22 years from now. A Department of Peacebuilding will address the root causes of violence and build upon the root conditions of peace to save lives and transform our culture. “Never give up. No matter what is happening, no matter what is going on around you, never give up.” – His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama EDUCATE & ADVOCATE FOR PEACE Honor the introduction of DoP legislation by educating ourselves and taking action for a DoP. Register now for “Speaking Truth with Care,” a Nonviolent Communications workshop on August 5, 2023. Learn how to apply this to your life and to peacebuilding advocacy work. Register to attend Fall Department of Peacebuilding Advocacy Days (September 17-20, 2023) in DC orvia Zoom – what better way to celebrate the International Day of Peace?During the summer, call one, several or all Congressional offices on our Spring/ Summer DoP AMPLIFY list and ask the member of Congress to cosponsor the DoP legislation – HR 1111. If possible, make your calls in July, before Congress adjourns for the August recess.” |
“If every eight-year-old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.” – His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama |
imagine a cosmos of peace with every breath…