Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 189 – 6/23/2023

way out/in the beyond

carried by the wings of love

heart breaks wide open


“There was a startling recognition that the nature of the universe was not as I had been taught… I not only saw the connectedness, I felt it.… I was overwhelmed with the sensation of physically and mentally extending out into the cosmos. I realized that this was a biological response of my brain attempting to reorganize and give meaning to information about the wonderful and awesome processes that I was privileged to view.”


in the quotation above, astronaut Edgar Mitchell shares an epiphany from outer space travel, a shift in consciousness that has been called the overview effect… after many days/moons/turns around the sun/incarnations of inner space exploration, traveling at the speed of light toward ultima thule, the great beyond, the overview effect is now living me and in this wondrous state, i feel i have crossed the rubicon and sit perched in a nest high in the heavens and deep in the buoyant sea with telescopic vision empowering a 360 degree view of the cosmic web in that field out beyond right and wrong doing where we float in grace, in sacred space in awe of true emptiness, the vast spaciousness of being free, a light wave of infinity, dancing rainbow mystery…

i’m seeing us all injoying deep pausing in the last few days of the soulstice portal and attending to some polishing the mirror:

to that end, we can call in the Divine Spark Invocation to awaken the divine spark  and create a cosmos of peace and harmony within and without…

inhale: our whole being concentrates

exhale: the heartmind becomes empty and open

we invite divinity from earth

our true existence radiates light

we receive divinity from heaven

this divinity is within us

the divine opposites are unified

our true self emits divinity to all our relations

the light spreads to each relative

the divine self resonates within re-membering the divine self and that we are all divine…

namaste and deep bows