welcome to day 8 of a season of peace… come sit with me here in the field out beyond taking in the beauty of this sacred moment of eternity…
it is said it only takes 144,000 sentient beings to hear the call and turn toward el canto hondo, the deep soul song, the dream of the earth to establish a re-newed paradigm of reality singing in the frequency of harmony throughout the ocean of being…
how i love meeting you in this field of what we deeply value, this sacred space of interconnectedness…
here, we witness and celebrate this collective hearing of and following the call to come back home to spirit, to dissolve into spirit, to be so at one with spirit that all borders vanish… we are present as love, the animating energy of all that is, the saving grace that simply opens the door to love… trusting that in this surrendering, this softening, this turning toward pachamama, the unifying spirit breathing all our relatives alive, we are transported to the stillpoint, the place of creation where the dance of the new begins…
in this moment of eternity as we return home to spirit and dissolve into be so at one that all borders vanish between me and thee, we come in gratitude offering our pains and suffering to be used as compost to nourish the earth… we come as love, the animating energy of all that is and knock on the door asking this door to open to love, simply open… in this trusting, this surrendering, this turning we are transported to the stillpoint where the dance begins, yes, we’re coming back… and, we sit with suffering endured this day by the people of Turkey and Syria and with all others whose lives have been overturned and we send them love and stand with all relations in the subtle unitive field where we are one…
“Give light and people will find the way.”
~Ella Baker, Activist~