“Its good to leave each day behind, like flowing water, free of sadness. Yesterday is gone and its tale told. Today new seeds are growing.”
~ Rumi ~
many, many turns around the sun ago, i spent some sacred moments of eternity with tibetan monks watching as they created their mandalas of colored sands and then let them go to the winds… i was so taken with this as a sacred way of living that i adopted it as a practice to practice each day… as we are called to flow with the turning of the wheel and return to living in the present moment and as i have had so much practice, it is more of a default and still an aspiration… when i am in rhythm with the holoflux, i begin to color on first awakening and continue with every breath as the painting paints me until i float into the night sea journey and the winds blow the sands into the waters… i dream of living in a communal field where we begin our day walking the labyrinth together and then begin our daily sand painting which we will return to as the spirit moves us just as we return to the breath again and again… blessed bee…