today is the thirty-fifth anniversary of harmonic convergence, one of my favorite of days – yes every day is a favorite and every moment of eternity is one of harmonic convergence… i love celbrating this day, every day, as a day of devocean, a day of grace, a day when the sun, in the form of holy grandmother spider creatrix, shines through the clouds offering very warm embraces and whispered words of wisdom to be still in this moment of wild abandon into the great turning, to trust this moment of surrender to the true self, to re-member the sun always shines and when it shines on rain, creation is transformed into iridescent rainbow arcs encircling the cosmos within and without converging, confluing in perfect harmony, in this moment, this beautiful moment of grace… may we all awaken to the beauty breathing us alive…
yes, there is beauty in this moment as we open to mama gaia sending us more and more increasingly emphatic messages about changing our ways of dominion and power over and coming home to walking in balance… yes, caterpillar, let go of ravenous consumption dying to the false self to be re-birthed as imaginal cells of the one body of the true self – rooted, winged deep diving beings of flight…
aloha and mahalo…