“This magnificent refuge is inside you.
Shatter the darkness that shrouds the doorway.
Be bold. Be humble.
Put away the incense and forget
the incantations they taught you.
Ask no permission from the authorities.
Close your eyes and follow your breath
to the still place that leads
to the invisible path
that leads you home.”
~ St. Teresa of Avila ~
let’s take this sacred moment of eternity to come deeper into our one cosmic heart re-membering the lineage of love of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene who is pictured in this beautiful painting of her by Jennifer Mayol… feel us standing face to face in the beauty of spirit… here now, we create an altar, the outer reflection of our innermost truth…
taking a deep clean-sing breath, we envision now an inner altar in the middle of our chests which is pristine, pure and empty… beneath and beyond is vast space… now, re-member all the different beliefs, concepts and ideas you have accumulated throughout the years visualizing them as dusty clutter on the altar… now, let’s do an inner alchemic sweeping of the altar using our breath:
breathing in all the heaviness into the vastness of the heart and
letting spaciousness and light ride on the out breath, washing the altar clean…
let’s close our sacred ceremony with a commitment to keep the altar of our one cosmic heart empty and clear… as we go deeper and deeper on the journey within, feel all the support in this sacred space of the hara where we follow a path of light through a dark tunnel that starts to open into a cave of the Magdala where we see a figure of pure light and love, the crone magdalene emanates humility and luminosity having moved through deep suffering… she offers to anoint us to keep us open and then offers us a golden chalice of sacred wine… in this communion, we merge with her frequency feeling the inner central sun and moon in sacred union… listen deeply for the messages… blessed bee and deep bows…