Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 237 – 8/10/2022

in this moment, this beautiful moment, the sounding and resounding of the bell invites our closing your outer eyes and tune into the universe of the illuminated heart within… breathe deeply into the belly the radiant light of the inner sun into every one of the trillions of wild cells we are and take another deep breath and begin to align with the peace of the darkness of inner space… as you float in this spaciousness of the skysea of being, re-member what you love… now, lie down in this field of beauty with all your senses tuned into the cosmic hum of the stillpoint and enjoy the dream images organically arising and dancing through your being…

take comfort in this gentle space with nowhere you must go for you are now here in your space of true refuge, a magical place so easily accessible by simply breathing in the rhythm of light waves and turning your senses within, coming home to our one heart… luxuriate in being taken back to factory settings to awaken into this cosmos of original blissing (blessing + bliss = blissing) where there’s no where (now here) to go and no thing to do, purely bearing witness to the present moment while acting locally, feeling globally and thinking cosmically…

in this moment, this beautiful moment, listen for beloved’s sweet refrain to come back, come back, return to me dwelling this moment in harmony…

going with the flow… opening to the unfolding… being still mountain reflecting in the mirror lake… attending, intending more and more light and more and more love and more and more trust and more and more surrender…

may we all meet in the field of the illuminated heart to conspire, breathe together resonating in joy to birth a planet of peace and harmony that works for all, a cosmos built on justice and guided by compassion and mercy…