Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 173 – June 7, 2014

Named Gene Key 3 Innocence

I was thinking beforehand about where the pilgrimage would take me today – yes, i’m a very slow learner “forgetting” that all i had to do was show up – i certainly wouldn’t trade the wild journey that unfolded for my mapped out domesticated version. Listening so deeply to heart whispers, i trod the radiant rainbow trail coming home to and being fully present in the child heart trusting completely and surrendering to the sacred space of innocence where all is well…

Such a typically raucous kind of Portalandia Day with an amazingly energizing gathering of the Death Cafe followed by attempting to drive a car on the roads that hundreds of Naked Bike Riders had taken over for this annual event….

Seems i was in very good company being naked in the now…