Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 178/3100 Days – 6/12/2022

“Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding,
the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated
as birdwings.”

~ Rumi ~


in this astonishing light of our interbeing moment of eternity on this 3100th day of poetic peace pilgrimage breathing in surrender and breathing out release,

may we travel lightly with

more and more love

and more and more surrender

more and more love

and more and more surrender

more and more love

and more and more surrender

into the vast spaciousness of love

into the eternal chorus of the celestial realms with angelic beings re-joy-sing to earth beings below,

into the silent whispers of the stone peoples,

into the coyotes howling to the waxing moon,

into the twinkling eyes of children,

into your beloved’s hand holding yours promising never to forsake you,

into the smile of a stranger who is now a friend,

into the good, the true the beautiful, all that we can witness all over the planet in every moment through the eyes of love,

into the sweet nectar of love…

may we celebrate the cosmic dream of peace coming alive this moment in our collective metamorphosis uprising from sea of love energy to shining sea of love energy…

may this day be blessed with gifts, lessons, understanding and friends… may our energy be a gift to all we meet… let us be centered, healing and open facing the day with courage, kindness, insight and compassion… may we honor this day…