listening for our heartsong…
listen, listen, listen for our heartsong, we will never forget you we will never forsake you…
here we are at the close of another moonth and what a moonth it has been with the messages to slow down and listen for the heartsong while deepening more and more into the field of spaciousness out beyond becoming more and more emphatic… join me now in the deep timelessness of this field of sacred space with some four fold deep cleansing breaths imagining we are in a beautiful crystalline grove of true refuge with a river running through that we sit beside in sacred ontemplativec silence… with every breath, we are more and more in ease and equanimity and as we begin to breathe through our one cosmic heart, saying, I Love You, I am here for you and we give ourselves a hug and pats to our shoulders as we continue with our deep clean-sing breaths looking into our own eyes saying, You are my Beloved, I open my heart to you as we place our hands on our heart embracing ourselves with unconditional love… and we raise our open palms to the crown chakra transmitting the light we are out in ever widening circles as we trace with our hands the energetic luminous field of light we are around our body, our one body of trillions and trillions of light cells…
still in the radiation of the new moon in gemini, the cosmic womb, the navigating the journey moon, let’s anchor this wild and precious moment as creativity creating creation setting our compass and contemplating the map we’ll draw for this moon journey around the quest ions of:
how will we nurture creativity?
what will we focus on creating?
what will we be/do to deepen and heighten soulful creation?
Now, as we prepare to return, let us take this moment of eternity to call all noble hearts to find within the divine light of love knowing the great oversoul is always shining…
may this light expand on the earth showering her face with peace and harmony…
may this light calm and harmonize the black shadow of war, violence, hate and disharmony .
may this light fill the hearts of all relatives and wash away the cries of the distressed, the blood of the victims of violence, the pain of the one family we are…
may they be replaced by the innocent laughter of children, the ideals of youth and the wisdom of life of our elders…
may we no longer know the signs of strife or hear birds singing sorrows, nor watch clouds stained with blood, nor feel breezes intense with heat, nor see rivers swollen by the mountains’ tears that new bonds of unity and peace are formed through our invocation together…
may we all come into a deeper and more expansive knowing of who we truly are… slowed down sound and light waves in a sea of love energy, the ocean of being, the flowering field of interconnection and may we take this extraordinary moment to do the deep work of radical (rooted) change by plugging into the taproot/umbilical cord in the core of our interbeing and aligning our antennae with the source antenna… blessed bee…