Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 161 – 5/26/2022

i’m sorry

please forgive me

thank you

i love you

for the last several years, this moment of eternity is a sojourn of  embarking on a deep dive into the watery realms, i awaken today with ho’oponopono, the ancient purification chant, singing me and calling me to listen, listen to the heartsong of the waters falling home and to bathe in the healing waters hearing the echoes of moons gone by… four years ago the heartsong even came in with quite an extraordinary lucid dream of presence, of being so fully in the present moment as love… i’m on a plane flying at high altitude with my soul daughter on one side and my peace partner on the other… we are journeying to the big island and all is well… the pilot comes on after we hear the familiar ding to fasten our seatbelts saying that we are going down… in that instant, the plane nosedives and we are plunging into a watery grave… the moment i heard the pilot’s solemn voice i knew he was telling us we were all going to die and i feel the most grounded peace that passeth all understanding along with equanimity, love and gratitude flowing into every cell of my body/our one body as i reach out my hands to my co-hearts in this moment of surrender to what is and in that very instant, the plane is lifted by a thousand invisible wings and we glide into a smooth landing into paradise…

ah, what bliss is this moment of being awakened love, peace, joy, equanimity and harmony… ah, the sacred space of being radiant love… may we all luxuriate in the joy in the deep core of being always bubbling underground no matter how chaotic life is aboveground…

  in this wild and precious moment under the waning moon of the cosmic womb, the navigating the journey moon, let’s anchor this moment as creativity creating creation setting our compass and contemplating the map we’ll draw for this moon journey…

how will we nurture creativity?

what will we focus on creating?

what will we be/do to deepen and heighten soulful creation?

let us close this gathering by coming together to wage peace for all our relatives on mama gaia…

we call all noble hearts to find within the divine light of love knowing the soul is always shining…
may this light … expand on the earth showering her face with peace and harmony…
may this light … calm and harmonize the black shadow of war, violence, hate and disharmony .
may this light … fill the hearts of all relatives…

we wash away the cries of the distressed, the blood of the victims of violence, the pain of the one family we are… may they be replaced by the innocent laughter of children, the ideals of youth and the wisdom of life of our elders.
may we no longer know the signs of strife or hear birds singing sorrows, nor watch clouds stained with blood, nor feel breezes intense with heat, nor see rivers swollen by the mountains’ tears that new bonds of unity and peace are formed through our invocation together…
may we all come into a deeper and more expansive knowing of who we truly are… slowed down sound and light waves in a sea of love energy, the ocean of being, the flowering field of interconnection and may we take this extraordinary moment to do the deep work of radical (rooted) change by plugging into the taproot/umbilical cord in the core of our interbeing and aligning our antennae with the source antenna… blessed bee…