Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 142 – 5/7/2022

“To be whole, let yourself break.
To be straight, let yourself bend.
To be full, let yourself be empty.
To be new, let yourself wear out.
To have everything, give everything up.

Knowing others is a kind of knowledge;
knowing yourself is wisdom.

Conquering others requires strength;
conquering yourself is true power. “

~ Lao Tzu ~

welcome, well come to world labyrinth day of peace… if i had my druthers, i would always have a physical labyrinth wherever i live but as i don’t have access, i’ll in vite you to join me in an innergetic pilgrimage to the center of our interbeing…

let’s start at the beginning of the labyrinth imagining this meditation as a walking in nature, into our true nature… standing at the entrance, let’s go inside and greet the light centering on going to the still place  of our one heart and listening for intention, where we’ll place our attention as we walk this pilgrimage of the heart…

as a peace pilgrim, i love chanting peace with every step on the way in and thank you on the return and offering this prayer for the benefit of all our relations… now, three deep purifying breaths as we silently  say… make me an instrument of peace, peace, peace…

as we tread this path, be aware of the rhythmic ebb and flow of breath sounding like  ocean waves… letting go into the dance of the stillpoint, we are carried into the center, the heart, to pause and reflect on the deep peace of the running waves… letting go into the dance of the stillpoint, we are carried into the center, the heart, to pause and reflect on the deep peace of the running waves…

in this moment, this beautiful moment of eternity, let us echo the peace prayer for the benefit of all… make me an instrument of peace…  thousand fold thanks…