today is truly a day of quintessence – celebrating the astonishing light of our being, Easter and Passover while still in the glow of the full moon of gaia with the image of yesterday’s double rainbow with an eagle flowing in harmony with rainbow mystery leading to that inner knowing that Wendell Berry names of always being led…
in the very instant of surrendering to the whirlwind of life, the spirit that leads, we are transmuted into whirling rhythm… and in that moment, that long drawn-out moment, the world cracks wide open and thanksgiving sings us for the abundance of blessings that seen or unseen are always happening…
for our awakening to earth’s energy re-membering we are one heart…
for our awakening to earth’s oceans as our clean-sing tears…
for our awakening to earth’s wind as our enlivening breath…
for our awakening to earth’s landscape as our one body…
for our one heart opening dormant seeds…
for our tears filling rain clouds…
for our breath giving flight to migrating birds…
for our one body being an island of refuge…
for earth mother receiving our one heart for her energy…
for earth mother receiving our tears for her oceans…
for earth mother receiving our breath for her wind…
for earth mother receiving our body for her landscape…
for earth mother opening dormant seeds…
for earth mother filling rain clouds…
for earth mother giving flight to migrating birds…
for earth mother nurturing our islands of refuge…
and, for the cycles of life flowing unceasingly…