welcome, welcome to day forty- five of a season of peace falling on the potent ides of march, a day when we are asked to follow the ancient admonition to beware, to be aware of this day…
may our one heart stay loving and open especially when we feel hurt and frayed…
may we open to always including others in love’s vast embrace…
may our heart remain pure and kind amid the painful details and muck of life…
may virtue and serenity be bedrock for all…
may our brokenheartedness break open our one heart ever wider and deeper bringing forth ever more expansive love and compassion…
there are so many images i could share for this potent day when collectively our hearts are broken by the tragedy and suffering all over the planet and voiced by the children of the earth who once again rise across the planet to say…
this picture is from four years and a day ago when students across the planet organized a day of compassion for the one month anniversary of the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida and it remains such a relevant message for our world in this moment of eternity for us all to rise up to say…
yes, these words from years ago remain a wonderful call to action…
ENOUGH! of domination consciousness and the use of violence for violence begets violence, now is the moment for the people to re-member the power of our true nature as living beings of love who flourish when we act as one cooperative field of many instruments of peace singing our soul song in harmony re-generating a world of beauty with every thought, word and deed…
dear co-hearts, breathe in, breathe out… be open, be love… break open and empty… let go to flow… rupture to rapture… rhapsody of love… carries us home on the wings of a dove…
we have the power, we’ve had it all along… on this sacred day of being aware, let us all pick up our thread of the web of life and re-weave the world with wonder and wisdom, the world that is always our birthright…