Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 54 – 2/8/2022

welcome, welcome to day 10 of a season of peace with the sun still shining through the clouds in the energy of  rebirth and the riotous revolution of love stirring underneath in the river below the river…

like the wild geese i watch from my window, i am attempting to fly home to source and it is quite a struggle in this moment of eternity with so much turbulence in the outer world; this last moonth feels like the testing frequency has raised geometrically calling for more and more breathing through the central channel into the core of the earth body, both mine and our earthmother’s, to connect to the love everything is even in this momentwhen it seems so far away…

thank you, mother mary for the balmthis poem brings to weary muscles… breathing in, peace all around… breathing out, harmony at home… in, peace; out harmony…