Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 46 – 1/31/2022

Happy New Moon and Lunar Imbolc!

this new moon of oracles and omens emphasizes social and collective concerns which we are seeing abundantly in the outer world with the energy of the divine feminine and democracy rising spontaneously and organically across the planet… an excellent time to plant seeds of energy for a world that works for all and to water these seeds in under this dark moon nourishing the tap root connected to our one heart re-membering that even though we can’t see the blooms or even the sprouts yet, our collective cultivation of justice is taking root riotously while we do our work daily of being peace withe every step and waging justice for all… closing out the dreaming moonth and coming at such a powerful moment of eternity, this moon calls us to be free within which is where everything takes root… this moon enrgizes fresh starts and fledging – yes, winging our way into the land of impossible dreams coming into reality…

thanks be for our collectively pouring love abundantly into our dream seeds creating an even more activated field of peace and harmony…