Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 32 – 1/17/2022

“Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.”
~ Martin Luther King Jr. ~

holy synchronicity! what a meaningful coincidence to have the full moon of transformation in the sign of the great mother fall on the day we celebrate and honor the prophet Martin Luther King who devoted his life to justice for all guided by love…

as we breathe into and draw down the energy of this powerful full moon of liberation, we too, like Martin, are called to be in touch with our most deeply held values and walk our truth talk… YES! sing and leap off the cliff, being wild and free… YES! sing this is what i’ll do with my wild and precious life… YES! sing to coming home, coming home to the heart, true refuge, belonging place… YES sing to the full moon in Cancer – may we all answer her call walking wholeheartedly in love in this moment, every moment…

let’s now join together in the field out beyond in the silence of the still point listening for her song and engage in an ancient practice of  tonglen, of giving and receiving, that, like metta, empowers compassion and is a beautiful blessing of balance for the full moon…

breathe in deeply and settle into the present moment simply as it is…

look first into the mirror of yourself with the utmost compassion of your divine self seeing your human self with the tenderest love and see the black smoke coming from the wounded human self and take it into the radiant heart of the open sky dissolving the smoke and send back  boundless love and compassion…

next, turn to someone you love who is suffering greatly and take the black ball from their belly and send it to the expansive blue sky of the radiant heart of overflowing love and compassion and send this love to them…

now, turn to someone who has caused you great suffering and see their pain and take it and send it to the radiant heart and shower them with unconditional love…

now, turn to a group that terrifies you and take away all their darkness sending it to the expansive open sky and sending back to them the incandescent love of divine compassion…

may we all feel the blessings of this moon of illumination, this moon of the great mother of divine love which ends all suffering and liberates us all to be for giving…

howlelujah and namaste…