wow!!!!! what a blessed full moon in taurus this is with the longest partial lunar eclipse since 2/18/1440; the image pictured here, which comes via Babak Fakhamzadeh, inspires my musing upon what am i/are we building today under these auspicious, initiating moments of eternity calling for intense purification and clean-sing in preparation for a new beginning which is exactly how i have lived this day as i prepare for a momentous move that will take place, in actuality, on the soular eclipse in 2 weeks although energetically this move has been in motion since the beginning of beginningless time…
from the vantage point of this drop in the ocean/ocean in a drop, this broken record, we are creating a cosmos of peace built on justice guided by love as we each pick up our thread from the unraveled web of life and re-weave the world with even more wonder and wisdom… join me now in a full moon in taurus invocation?
Great Mother Venus, you who generously reminds
me of the Love inherent in my body,
I bow to You.
I bow to Me.
I bow to Gaia.
I bow to All.
While you rest at the Rose Gate of my Heart,
I feel the fine-tuning of my instrument
of Love and Loving.
And with the Light of this Moon,
I vow to arrive IN my body more and more.
To honor the miracle of my existence.
Here and now, I open to ~
sensuous delight,
deep laughter,
erotic currents,
pain and repair.
{Add anything else that moves through you}
And I release obstacles that keep me distanced
from my body that is an extension of the Earth.
{Speak these out loud}
I am changing, transforming through your Grace.
I bow to You.
I bow to Me.
I bow to Gaia.
I bow to All.
{Shower yourself and all with petals and give yourself
the gift of this for a few minutes afterwards}.
And So It Is.
And So It Is.
And So It Is.
Blessed Be.
let’s close this ceremony with soul song words from Sam Cooke… “I was born by the river in a little tent
Oh and just like the river I’ve been running ev’r since
It’s been a long time, a long time coming.. But now I think I’m able to carry on
It’s been a long, a long time coming
But I know a change is gonna come, oh yes it will.”