Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 160 – 5/25/2021

in this moment of eternity, on this day of re-membering, in this season of metamorphosis, i invite you to join in prayer, in intention, of picking up your thread from the unraveling web of life and listen deeply for the soul song flowing through you that knows what is yours to weave in this moment…

it is hard to take in that it has been a year since the world witnessed the horrific murder of George Floyd, a tragedy that ignited a movement and a re-imagining of the world we lived in, a world where as MLK said, “It is obvious that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned.”

in the year since his death and the countless others coming after, we as a nation have looked into the mirror and many have deeply reflected on the system of white supremacy we are founded upon, millions have marched in solidarity to end racism and its manifestations in policing and widespread injustice embedded in every area of our life…

we serve as witnesses, who not only see but speak and act… as we break open our hearts and wage justice, we honor George Floyd and the hundreds of our other brothers and sisters whose lives were cut short and whose lives remind us of what we must do as we pick up our thread of the unraveled world to weave and re-imagine a world where we are free to be and encouraged to be and initiated into being what we are designed to be…

yes, thank you grandmother spider for showing us how to weave the world anew by going within where the prima materia awaits…

in addition to today being a day of collectively coming together to re-member, personally, it is a day of re-membering as well – nine months ago when i died and came back; like the world, so much re-weaving awaits so let’s take another moment and sync even more deeply into the awakened place in the core of our being to listen for the intention, the prayer, el canto hondo always singing us, guiding us, breathing us home into the stillpoint of creation… what is tugging at your heartsleeve? what is breaking your heart and this one wild and precious moment wide open? simply listen… no worries if a symbol or word or image doesn’t reveal itself right now…. simply be in conversation, with truth, about what you’re feeling right now and how best to express this prayer, this intention… what is longing to crystalize… and thank you almost full moon of enlightenment for supporting generously our explorations…

may we all take time each day attuning with our soulsong and giving thanks for the boundless cosmos always dropping breadcrumbs as we walk the pathless path, the synchronous dance of life, of always being and becoming, falling apart and coming back together, breathing in and breathing out, ebbing and flowing, waxing and waning eternally…