Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 326 – 11/6/2020

today, on this day of soular samhain, i am called to let go into deep mystery for the next nine days through the new moon in scorpio and in this moment of eternity as i enter this portal of letting go to open space for repair and renewal i want to spotlight a ceremony, the rite of the womb, sacred space for creation and those who share and hold space for it…

this ceremony comes from a lineage of women going back to the beginning of timelessness who freed themselves from suffering and want this liberation for us all…. we are all to re-member:

the womb is not a place to store fear and pain; the womb is to create and give birth to life…

all means all, this rite is for all for we are all connected to the cosmic womb, the deep earth of pachamama and we are all born of a mother’s womb and we all have an energetic womb, our creative center at the 0 point, the stillpoint of creation…

so many of us hold such pain and fear and terror and anger here which is why we re-member:

the womb is not a place to store fear and pain; the womb is to create and give birth to life…

we nurture this rite and life by saying…

we release our fear so we may embrace freedom
we release our pain so we may embrace joy
we release our anger so we may embrace compassion
we release our sadness so we may embrace peace

such a beautifully simple way for us all to do and be our lightwork of lightening up, shining in the darkness, and deepening into the luminosity of our deep soulful self; simple, yes, however not easy so thank you for joining me in the unitive field of creation to midwife the world singing us, breathing us – the soular world of beauty always awaiting our eyes being able to see what our one heart is…