Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 207 – 7/10/2020

in this moonth of coming home to the core, what better moment for us to gather together in peaceful communion for a continuous wave of lovingkindness and compassion…

let’s start by connecting in the heart with everyone radiating love and appreciation to each other… practicing such core heart qualities of love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, patience and listening to our one heart’s invitations builds resilience and balance , states we need to increase in these turbulent times…

center in the heart and breathe the feeling of appreciation and care for yourself and others activating our coming home to our one heart energy…

imagine with each breath your mind, emotions and body are still inside which helps focus energy…

visualize and build a commitment to a daily practices of vibrating core heart qualities of care, compassion, kindness, forgiveness, patience, stillness, generosity, appreciation and on and on which increases inner balance and resilience necessary for reducing and preventing stress…

now, radiate unconditional love and compassion and see this energy uplifting the vibration of the global energetic eco-field…

visualize all our relations increasingly real-eye-sing the world is calling for us to accept our differences and to collaborate with our collective wisdom to resolve challenges and co-create a thriving cosmos…

let’s close by radiating our unconditional love and deepest compassion to all who are experiencing fear, suffering or hardship through these changing times…

thank you for being a vast infinite cosmic peace wave