“The world cannot be discovered by a journey of miles, no matter how long, but only by a spiritual journey, a journey of one inch, very arduous and humbling and joyful, by which we arrive at the ground at our feet, and learn to be at home.” ~ Wendell Berry ~
the journey of one inch today takes me to the open field out beyond under a sky of clouds and into Stillness, a place, a sacred space where i love to sojourn… in this moment of eternity, the sun emerges creating a rainbow promising the alchemical gold and a moment of celebrating the astonishing light of interbeeing under the waning full moon of the mother known as the moon of first light, do you see feel taste hear touch the radiance? breathe deeply through our one heart and you are there for ever in the murmuration fluid field of the stillpoint where great mystery sings us, moves us, breathes us, glides us, visions us through the tides of life…
are you hearing the sacred voice calling our name? re-minding/re-heartening us of our divine mission, our soul purpose… whispering for us to awaken to our genius, the unique seed in the center of our being… the call to be who we are – rainbow beings of love, compassion, wisdom, peace and joy…
every day is one of dreaming, every day is one of awakening… in this special first moon of the new turn around the sun, we are perfumed in the essence of dreamtime carried by the energy of great mother through the dark tunnel into the sacred space of the dream lodge, the cave of the heart, the place beyond words, the primordial womb of great silence, of pure consciousness, true emptiness before the world begins… here we rest in the gap with silence breathing us in and out… as we hibernate in this deep cave of imagination, a new world is forming in this watery womb, this ocean of being…
let’s take this moment to conspire, to breathe together, to breathe in deeply descending into our one heart re-membering who we are as the one body, the cosmic tree of life, the seamlessly interwoven web of life, the sacred hoop of harmony vibrating in the frequency of great mystery…
breathing in and breathing out, we return to our great mother in still silence to receive essential nourishment as she breathes us into life through the placenta of the void, the organ of great mystery…
may we all be gentle with ourselves and each other as we journey along the path of blessed darkness and deepen into a spaciousness of silence, a consciousness of generosity and of the wisdom of the heart giving us the strength to awaken the dreamer within and be the ones we have been waiting for with the vision of our ancestors coming alive in the here and the now… all our relations one unbroken circle of radiant love illuminating the dark sky, revealing wonder…