Poetic Peace Pilgrimage -Year 11 – Day 10 – 12/26/2023

ah, pilgrimaging with the caravan of re-joy-sing began last night… i’d love to hear of your dream gift from aries whose essence is enthusiasm, here’s  mine of  this first night’s journey into light, this awakening ever more deeply and expansively of our one illuminated heart…

on the first night of Christmas, my true love (Beloved Aries) gave to me the dream gift of flying with a flock of “strange birds”, circling with unknown imaginal cells holding the same core knowings so that we could effect greater shifting in the collective as we journeyed as on interbeing…


a flock of geese flying home to sun

singing of joy and peace for everyone

open hearts now re-joy-sing spontaneously

awakening our light song at celestial frequency

 we soar on love’s sunbeams  in wild ecstasy


How could the soul not take flight
When from the glorious Presence
A soft call flows sweet as honey,
And whispers, “Rise up now, come away.”
How could the fish not jump
Immediately from dry land into water,
When the sound of water from the ocean
Of fresh waves springs to his ear?
How could the hawk not fly away,

Back, back, to the wrist of the kind
As soon as he hears the drum
The king’s baton hits again and again,
Drumming out the signal of return?
How could the Sufi not start to dance,
Turning on himself, like the atom in the sun of eternity,
So he can leap free of this dying world?
Fly away, fly away, bird, to your native home.
You have leaped free of the cage,
Your wings are flung back in the wind of God.
Leave behind the stagnant and marshy waters,

Hurry, hurry, hurry, O bird, to the source of life!

~ Rumi ~


thankyou, Beloved, for gifting such a sacred moment of eternity of interbeeing, simply interbeeing fullheartedly/foolheartedly enthusiastically present in every moment, in every beautiful rainbow trail moment of eternity… and, as we go into dreamtime tonight, let’s tune into the element of earth and the energies of taurus to see what the dream gift is…
