welcome to the next to last full moon of this calendar year and what a potent dragon moon in gemini conjunct with mars and venus so that you may well be joining me in feeling the electric twins energies of shaking things up simultaneously with the energies of overwhelm as we come deeper and deeper into the culmination of so many cycles in this turn around the sun of transformation moving from death to resurrection…
so, let’s come together in these oh so powerful energies to cultivate bodhicitta, the awakened heart, by joining our hands and feeling the love we are passing from one to another to another and with each passing of this peace passing all understanding, the love quickens and progresses geometrically as we slow down syncing in rhythm with our earth mother as we breathe her deeply into our bellies radiating her unwavering support into all the trillions and trillions of wild cells of our one body…
and now, let us call in and thank all ancestors as we take our seats around the fire with the seven generations that have been and the seven generations that will be tuning into our one heart of boundless love and listening for what our awakened heart wants to tell us in this moment… breathing in suffering, breathing out liberation… breathing in dying to the old, breathing out rising into the new…. breathing in release, breathing out celebration….
and if we are called to do so, release with love any hurts, things that do not nourish any longer into the fire thanking these teachers for all they have contributed… when the last peace is released into the fire, embrace a bit of the sacred fire and bring it to the heart igniting a re-membering of all the love we are and how that is to inform, ensoul our every breath, our every moment of eternity…
may we be filled with lovingkindness and compassion, may we be well, may we be peaceful and at ease and may we be free to be the fullest expression of our awakened heart one with the tides of whatever is…
now that we are of one heartmind, i invite our taking a few moments to gather and collect our attention through the art of inquiry, asking repeatedly the same question ( a la A H Almaas) leaving empty space following the asking of each quest ion for us to listen deeply as our deep breaths through the core of our being take us more and more into the stillpoint, the great silence, the great cosmic womb, birthing circle of creation…
tell me a way you experience the deep radiance of the present moment…. thank you…
tell me a way you experience the deep radiance of the present moment…. thank you…
tell me a way you experience the deep radiance of the present moment…. thank you…
tell me a way you experience the deep radiance of the present moment…. thank you...
tell me a way you experience the deep radiance of the present moment…. thank you…
as we rest in the vast spaciousness of this moment, the only moment, may we look through the eyes of the stillpoint of creation seeing the beauty and love and gratitude and wisdom and wonder before us behind us beside us below us above us encircling us in an ever-widening ring of compassion radiating out and in in rhythm with the breath…
deep bows to all our relations…