Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 308- 10/20/2023

thousand fold thanks for the weird/wyrd people, creative rebels, imaginal cells of real-eye-sing… those astonishing lights of being who rekindle our flame by setting their lives on fire and fanning the flames of and for all relatives in the field… it has been said that when living in a dark time such as we are living in, it is the creatives, those with the courage, the heart to follow their weird/wyrd, their genius, their sacred call, to devotedly give themselves to the soul song that inspirits, these are the ones, the ones awakened to the mystical level who thrive in the dark times; the good news is that we all have the potential to real-eyes our true self and dwell in true reality, yes we can all break free from the matrix of domination, conquest consciousness and come home to the consciousness of humility and wisdom and wonder and beauty and love and peace and joy and harmony of great mystery… as i take a gr8 leap tomorrow, may this song sing me home…

i love that this quest ion of following your weird/wyrd that showed up so emphatically as i began my seventh decade this go around is resurrecting even more emphatically as i take flight into the eighth decade with the energy of infinity as the melody… two turn around the sun ago i vowed to begin a podcast: follow your weird/ wyrd which hasn’t ripened into fruit yet though i have been lovingly cultivating the soil the last many moons… in this sacred moment of eternity, let’s come together now and conspire, breathe together deeply as we visual-eyes ourselves in the most sacred of spaces, the crystal we are and embody the energies of this blessingway:

~ Beatitudes for the Weird ~
by Jacob Nordby

“Blessed are the weird people
—poets, misfits, writers, mystics
heretics, painters & troubadours—
for they teach us to see the world through different eyes

Blessed are those who embrace the intensity of life’s pain and pleasure,
for they shall be rewarded with uncommon ecstasy.

Blessed are ye who see beauty in ugliness,
for you shall transform our vision of how the world might be.

Blessed are the bold and whimsical,
for their imagination shatters ancient boundaries of fear for us all.

Blessed are ye who are mocked for unbridled expression of love in all its forms, because your kind of crazy is exactly that freedom for which the world is unconsciously begging.

Blessed are those who have endured breaking by life,
for they are the resplendent cracks through which the light shines.”

may we all be blessed to be weird/wyrd devoting ourselves to embodying this manifesto for mystics as we wander in wonder throughout and within the crystalline clear light of the boundless skysea of love energy…

and, may we be weirdness/wyrdness, daimons for each other giving strength and consolation fully real-eye-sing that the cup of life is a cup of sorrow that opens the compassionate cup of joy warming the cup of sorrow that opens our one heart ever wider to the compassionate cup of joy endlessly…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 307- 10/19/2023

these words perfectly reflect feeling echoes that have been arising the last couple of days on the pathless path as i dance suspended, out of rhythm, out of sorts… to come back into rhythm, i connect with source breathing in prana from the earth mother and up through the extended root system into every wild cell and radiating out this golden light breath into father sky and beyond while whispering thank you with every breath to great mystery for providing just what is needed trusting in divine orchestration and my intention of being open and present to whatever is…

always coming home to the heart, to the sacred gaiatree grove of peace deep within, being present in the moment, in the presence of the beloved… resting in the stillpoint, the unchanging, taking a pregnant pause in a moment of feeling so stretched and uncomfortable right before birth… in this moment of presence, i open more fully to birthing the new… surrendering to true nature, to love and co-creating from this sacred space… YES! to full blooming lotushood in a muddy pond…

and, YES! to gathering with you in this burgeoning flowering field to witness the wonder of the great turning in the midst of a difficult passage thru the birth canal and re-turning into the miracle of interbeing here now in more and more loving presence, trust, surrender and devocean…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 305- 10/17/2023

in this sacred moment of eternity on the second of 13 days marking the 61st anniversary of the 1962 missile crisis with the sun shining on the hexagram of veneration, i re-member and venerate this being born eight years and a day before my birth… being cancerian crabs, we also share a love of water; today calls me into the field of shining water crystals to honor his life on the anniversary of his death and seeing that date brings up an image of the occupy movement of  eleven years ago begun on 9/17 and inspiring my occupying the abundance of infinite love and gratitude, now known as dwelling in the abundance of infinite love and gratitude…

so many synchronicities, so many interconnections as i gaze on this water crystal called love and thanks and let Dr Emoto’s words on gratitude perfume our shared field of consciousness… oh, to be the embodiment of gratitude – a shining pure water crystal of light…

let us all aspire to being embodiments of gratitude re-membering the practice of gratitude is one of the most transformative acts we can engage in every moment of eternity miraculously transfiguring us into shining crystals of astonishing light…

thank you, thank you, thank you, Masaru, for opening us to water’s hidden messages one of which is on peace and how our holding the intention of peace, so sorely needed today, holding that intention towards water brings peace to the bodies of water we are and our world is…

blessed bee…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 303- 10/15/2023

welcome, well come to this sacred moment of eternity’s powerful portal into eclipse season with the annular soular eclipse and the new moon in libra inspiring our planting seeds of love and peace and harmony, mushroom day and we are now in navaratri – so much to celebrate in the midst of so much turbulence and tragedy…

yes, a new eclipse story to author, one connected to our Destiny…
it’s time to (re)claim our birthright to co-create our life! north node aries welcomes ou initiating a new chapter, path and trajectory in life…

What do you desire?

What do you dream to embody and live?
How do you choose to live?
What self-nourishment and tending to do you need?

move in that direction – now!

with the newness that desires to emerge, there must be letting go, releasing, purifying, so, we turn to the south node in libra that asks us to look at our relationships and partnerships and where change is needed...

What relationships are ready to shift and how?
What relationships have run their course and are now complete?
Have you been overly tending to others and people pleasing?
What insights have been illuminated through any challenges?
What will you no longer tolerate?

welcome completions, endings, and releasing…
this is holy territory, the ground of being, the womb of rebirth…

may righteousness be restored… we are in the midst of navaratri, a major hindu festival celebrating nine manifestations of the goddess Durga and honoring the power and grace of divine mother over nine nights and ten days…

  whenever i run into some powerful whitewater, it’s good to connect with Durga in her fierce love manifestation, the form that removes darkness and negativity from our lives…

thank you Durga for helping me remain wide-open like the sky, fertile like the earth,  unshakable like a mountain, shining like a flame and lucid like a crystal in the face of  turbulent waters threatening loss of  connection…

thank you Durga for whispering to let it be, you are in flow wherever you go, surely you know there is only flow… a moment of crisis brings us to our knees, a perfect place to re-lease… all illusions of separation transmuted now into the field of unification… returning home to the watery womb of creation, resurrected now from the dark tomb of separation…

thank you dear Durga for bringing good fortune, protection and blessings into the web of life…

may we be as wise Durga who teaches and shows us that we belong to each other helping us realize interdependence, the way of the heart, is the way…

in this field of love may we walk
all day long may we walk
through the turnings may
we walk
on the trail of pollen
may we walk
with love in our one heart may we walk
with  love before us may we walk
with love behind us may we walk
with love above us may we walk
with love all around us may we
wandering on a trail of
love, may we walk
beginning in love
deepening in love


Clean-sing and Purifying the Inner Temple

see in the center of our being, a large fireball radiating like a sun…

into the center of the fireball, we place anything on the physical plane that is needing to be transformed, that no longer serves… as it goes into the center of the fireball, it is transformed, and the energy of life is released like the rays of the sun…

see this fireball turn into a blazing yellow sun… place into the center of the sun any emotions, desires, energies, ways of running energy that no longer serve… these energies are transformed into radiant rainbow spokes of pure energy…

now the sun turns into a deep indigo blue and we place into the center of the indigo sun any separative thoughtforms, ideas, concepts… as they enter into the sun, these thoughtforms are transformed into radiant spokes of pure energy and are being released into the temple of being in all the colors of the rainbow…

see the soul itself appear in the center of the temple of being… all of the love and the light that’s been released, we offer to the soul’s plan and purpose… this energy rises merging with the group soul quantum field infusing the greater plan…

from our soul quantum field, see and feel the energy of golden light coming down through us all descending into our crown center all the way through all our vehicles clean-sing and purifying us for the engoldenment cycle to come when we real-eyes the astonishing luminosity of our interbeing… a la la ho!


“We need to be angels for each other, to give each other strength and consolation. Because only when we fully realize that the cup of life is not only a cup of sorrow but also a cup of joy will we be able to drink it.”

~ Henri Nouwen ~


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 301- 10/13/2023

“Being a victim of oppression… is not enough to make you revolutionary, just as dropping out of your mother’s womb is not enough to make you human. People who are full of hate and anger against their oppressors or who only see Us versus Them can make a rebellion but not a revolution. The oppressed internalize the values of the oppressor. Therefore, any group that achieves power, no matter how oppressed, is not going to act differently from their oppressors as long as they have not confronted the values that they have internalized and consciously adopted different values.” ~ Grace Lee Boggs ~

“The dark night of the soul comes just before revelation. When everything is lost, and all seems darkness, there comes the new life and all that is needed.” ~ Joseph Campbell ~

there seems to be something so potent in the rhythm of the autumnal/vernal web of life, especially around the ides, mid-month… as we continue to experience the outer dark night collectively at the close of this era, i feel the imperative to remind us, especially myself on this day of turbulent outer world energy, that when we listen deeply we can hear the even more beautiful world breathing and to act like a squirrel by gathering the quintessence and calling in Porcupine Goddess to share an ancient wisdom story illuminating the place i and we find myself and ourselves…

long ago, in the coldest winter ever, many of our relations were dying… we of the porcupine council met and decided we’d nestle together to keep warm and stay alive… alas, we were warm but the quills of our neighbors were wounding us, so we decided to separate from each other to relieve the hurts of living in close quarters… although now we were protected from being wounded, we began to die one by one, alone and frozen cold… faced with our extinction or living as wounded porcupines, we chose wisely – deciding to return to being together… we learned to live with wounds caused by being in close relationship to receive the greater benefit of the warmth that comes from others. this way, we were able to not only survive but also to thrive; to flourish in regenerative cycles organically arising from the harmony sung by the implicate order…

may we be as wise as our porcupine relations real-eye-sing, re-membering interdependence, the way of the  openheart, is the way…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 300- 10/12/2023

“There’s a revolution that needs to happen and it starts from inside each one of us.”

~ Thich Nhat Hanh ~

i write again today of the necessary revolution as we all feel the turbulence of the outer world bringing us to the brink in this sacred moment of great turning and cosmic rite of passage… the revolution i write of today is one of consciousness, of imagination, a bold adventure the cosmos invites us to explore as foretold in other moments of eternity by the grandmothers…

there comes a time in the unraveling when the grandmothers notice it is the moment to focus on the good of the village and to remind the earthlings of how to be… they call in the spirits of the ancestors and the teachers and the unborn generations and the spirit of fire to kindle a flame which they nurture and tender and place in the center of the wisdom council where the villagers sit in circle…

the grandmothers call on all the relatives to take a pledge repeating these words… in every action, in every thought, in every decision, i promise to hold the good of the children of all beings in this generation and for seven generations hence and this is my sacred vow…

may all of us tend the inner flame supported by the communitas of the invisible realms holding in our one heart and living out this sacred calling, this vow to always put first the good of the whole, to do what is best for the children of the earth for 7 generations back and to come… thousand fold thanks for all who are calling in this shift daily and grounding the vow in being peace in every moment…

and then, peace prevails on earth… blessed bee…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 299- 10/11/2023

“I think that the Buddha is already here. If you are mindful enough you can see the Buddha in anything, especially in the sangha. The twentieth century was the century of individualism, but we don’t want that anymore. Now we try to live as a community. We want to flow like a river, not a drop of water. The river will surely arrive at the ocean, but a drop of water may evaporate halfway. That’s why it is possible for us to recognize that the presence of the Buddha is the here and now. I think that every step, every breath, every word that is spoken or done in mindfulness—that is the manifestation of the Buddha. Don’t look for the Buddha elsewhere. It is in the art of living mindfully every moment of your life.”

~ Thich Nhat Hanh ~

on this day 97 years ago, a being destined to be an exemplar of peace was born and so in this moment of eternity thousand fold thanks for a lifetime of teaching us and showing us the way, of being peace, of walking our talk and being an example for others, for introducing us to the miracle of mindfulness, for always being love and being present in the present moment, wonderful moment… may we all mindfully breathe with you in every precious moment… may we re-member we have arrived and are home in beloved community… let’s anchor this beautiful moment  of celebrating Thay and the astonishing light of interbeing with some of my favorite of Thay’s words from The Heart of Understanding: Commentaries on the Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra:

“If you are a poet, you will see clearly that there is a cloud floating in this sheet of paper. Without a cloud, there will be no rain; without rain, the trees cannot grow; and without trees, we cannot make paper. The cloud is essential for the paper to exist. If the cloud is not here, the sheet of paper cannot be here either. So we can say that the cloud and the paper inter-are. “Interbeing” is a word that is not in the dictionary yet, but if we combine the prefix “inter-” with the verb “to be,” we have a new verb, inter-be…

If we look into this sheet of paper even more deeply, we can see the sunshine in it. If the sunshine is not there, the forest cannot grow. In fact, nothing can grow. Even we cannot grow without sunshine. And so, we know that the sunshine is also in this sheet of paper. The paper and the sunshine inter-are. And if we continue to look, we can see the logger who cut the tree and brought it to the mill to be transformed into paper. And we see the wheat. We know the logger cannot exist without his daily bread, and therefore the wheat that became his bread is also in this sheet of paper. And the logger’s father and mother are in it too. When we look in this way, we see that without all of these things, this sheet of paper cannot exist.

Looking even more deeply, we can see we are in it too. This is not difficult to see, because when we look at a sheet of paper, the sheet of paper is part of our perception. Your mind is in here and mine is also. So we can say that everything is in here with this sheet of paper. You cannot point out one thing that is not here-time, space, the earth, the rain, the minerals in the soil, the sunshine, the cloud, the river, the heat. Everything co-exists with this sheet of paper. That is why I think the word inter-be should be in the dictionary. “To be” is to inter-be. You cannot just be by yourself alone. You have to inter-be with every other thing. This sheet of paper is, because everything else is.

Suppose we try to return one of the elements to its source. Suppose we return the sunshine to the sun. Do you think that this sheet of paper will be possible? No, without sunshine nothing can be. And if we return the logger to his mother, then we have no sheet of paper either. The fact is that this sheet of paper is made up only of “non-paper elements.” And if we return these non-paper elements to their sources, then there can be no paper at all. Without “non-paper elements,” like mind, logger, sunshine and so on, there will be no paper. As thin as this sheet of paper is, it contains everything in the universe in it.”

may we all re-member the truth of our interbeing and thousand fold thanks for continuing to walk Thay’s talk by being an astonishing light of our one cosmic heart…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 298- 10/10/2023

we inhabitants of pachamama consciously and/or unconsciously hear daily of the unleashing of unhealed pain and trauma and are called to contemplate the impact on our island home necessitating our gathering in circle to hear spirit in the gentle breeze and flowing water, in the heartbeat of the drum and the voices of the elders, in the echoes of ancient memories reverberating inside… in this sacred moment of eternity, let us come home to what truly is… we are one people breathed alive through our one singing heart… receiving the knowing of how to freely be… moving fluidly through sacred mystery… let us deepen into that field out beyond, the sacred listening circle of satyagraha meaning in pursuit of truth… let’s gather together drawing down the energy of harmony from the imaginal realms and take in the words of an amazing peacemaker who brings us to membering again the wisdom that there is only one of us here and opens our one heart to greater compassion… as we read his poem, let us re-member our mindful breathing… breathing in, re-member life is without limits… breathing out, re-member that we, like Thay, have never been born and never die, we are children of the central sun that never rises and never sets:


Please Call Me By My True Names

“Don’t say that I will depart tomorrow—
even today I am still arriving.

Look deeply: every second I am arriving
to be a bud on a Spring branch,
to be a tiny bird, with still-fragile wings,
learning to sing in my new nest,
to be a caterpillar in the heart of a flower,
to be a jewel hiding itself in a stone.

I still arrive, in order to laugh and to cry,
to fear and to hope.
The rhythm of my heart is the birth and death
of all that is alive.

I am a mayfly metamorphosing
on the surface of the river.
And I am the bird
that swoops down to swallow the mayfly.

I am a frog swimming happily
in the clear water of a pond.
And I am the grass-snake
that silently feeds itself on the frog.

I am the child in Uganda, all skin and bones,
my legs as thin as bamboo sticks.
And I am the arms merchant,
selling deadly weapons to Uganda.

I am the twelve-year-old girl,
refugee on a small boat,
who throws herself into the ocean
after being raped by a sea pirate.

And I am also the pirate,
my heart not yet capable
of seeing and loving.

I am a member of the politburo,
with plenty of power in my hands.
And I am the man who has to pay
his “debt of blood” to my people
dying slowly in a forced-labor camp.

My joy is like Spring, so warm
it makes flowers bloom all over the Earth.
My pain is like a river of tears,
so vast it fills the four oceans.

Please call me by my true names,
so I can hear all my cries and laughter at once,
so I can see that my joy and pain are one.

Please call me by my true names,
so I can wake up
and the door of my heart
could be left open,
the door of compassion.”



Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 297- 10/9/2023

Happy 83rd Day of Continuation, John! and Indigenous Peoples’ Day/Decolonization Day

on the day we honor the birth of John Lennon, we also honor the day of miracles, the  birth of Guru Ram Das and so many more… and, it is also the moment of eternity of celebrating the astonishing light of our interbeing and our ancestors and relatives as it is indigenous peoples’ day… today’s walk on the wild side is resting in an open strawberry field out beyond, a breathing space, a visionary place to commit acts of imagination on this ground of shifting sands, dreamscape of unknowing where we dream our collective dream forward of living in the moment in peace sharing our world as one…

naturally arising from our communal wellspring, the river below the river. is this image as in imagine, imagination of our imagining peace, a world living as one in this moment where there are no countries, no borders, no strangers, no wars, no religions, no possessions, no greed, no hunger, no homelessness… imagine all our relations living this moment in peace, sharing our astonishing light of being with every breath…

as we all come together in this moment to commit acts of imagination, may we live the PPP’s call to intend peace for a moment each and every day at 4:44 wherever you are in the world creating a continuous cosmic peace wave and John’s, ever so relevant for today, call to action expressed in the words of his song echoing the Hopi prophecy that we are the ones we have been awaiting…

Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on

Say you want a revolution
We better get on right away
Well you get on your feet
And out on the street

Singing power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on

A million workers working for nothing
You better give ’em what they really own
We got to put you down
When we come into town

Singing power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on

I gotta ask you comrades and brothers
How do you treat you own woman back home
She got to be herself
So she can free herself

Singing power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on
Now, now, now, now
Oh well, power to the people

Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on

Yeah, power to the people Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on

Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people
Power to the people, right on


in closing, power to the indigenous…

The Good Relations Pledge 

A United States Citizens’ Acknowledgement of Indigenous Peoples’ Right to Freedom, Territory & Self-Determination 

In Honor of Carmen Baraka 

“The Lakota expression, ‘Aho Mitakuye Oyasin’  is widely used among many tribes within what is now known as The United States of America; It means, “We are all related; all connected.

In the spirit of connection with all beings, where none are higher or lower in the great web of all life, we offer this invitation to begin healing our relations with the Indigenous peoples of these lands.”
~Carmen Baraka, Indigenous Elder and Teacher 

This is a time for healing so we are taking the first steps towards reparations by individuals. The formal reparation process is yet to address the role of the individual, in addition to global and national systemic change called for by Indigenous Nations. 

The inspiration for The Good Relations Pledge came from the Indigenous cultural leaders, scholars and artists from within the community of The Intentional Creativity Foundation, 501(c)3 

We the citizens of the United States humbly offer this acknowledgement as an initial step into a complex, dynamic arena of healing, education and the forming of good relations.

If you are of any descent, other than Indigenous within the United States and you are a US Citizen, then taking this pledge is for you.

If you are an Indigenous person living in the United States, we welcome you to read, to feel, and to know that many of us are reaching to improve our relationship with your peoples and the land. 

The Good Relations Pledge is designed to guide the citizen through a process of acknowledging the nature of injury and the Indigenous People’s lived experiences of genocide by way of land theft, racial oppression and historical erasure.

We wish to move through levels of denial to acknowledge that deliberate harm is ongoing, to Indigenous peoples and their lands by every successive government of the United States of America under the guise of colonial progress at all costs.  

For many Indigenous leaders, scholars and activists, arriving at a ‘Citizens’ Acknowledgement’ has itself been a long coming and has mostly taken place within local organizations, and individual relationships. Many citizens are not aware, nor do they acknowledge how they may be impacting and enforcing the oppression.

This intention of our Citizen’s Acknowledgement is to awaken those of us who aren’t aware, call into action those who are, and provide a first actionable step towards healing. We recognize that we cannot wait for institutions, corporations, society and government to make adequate meaningful reparative actions. We need reparations that work effectively to heal the hearts and minds of individuals. We seek to begin with individuals in the present, working with what we do know and committing to improve our relations with Indigenous peoples in the future. While we individual citizens have limited power or opportunity to create the vast systemic changes Indigenous leaders are calling for, we support their voice and their struggle for justice by accounting for our individual role and responsibilities. 

For those who pledge, sign and share this petition, it is our hope that this will be a beginning that may lead to inspiration to greater levels of awareness and supportive engagement with the Indigenous peoples of United States.

Recognition & Respect

We recognize that there is much to learn about the lands that we occupy and draw our subsistence from, much to learn about and from the peoples who continue to live in relation to these lands ‘since time immemorial’. Our lack of acknowledgement, education and lack of support, willful or not, empowers and perpetuates ongoing land theft, racial oppression, historical erasure, and ongoing genocide of indigenous peoples. 

We also recognize that reparative actions in the USA are late, the efforts to achieve meaningful reconciliation with Indigenous peoples have long since begun in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and other places in the world. This struggle is ongoing, and by signing this and acknowledging, I commit to being a part of the reparations so needed here.

In the Spirit of Respect 

We recognize and respect the tremendous resiliency of Indigenous communities and their leadership, who have fought, endured and negotiated tirelessly for their own survival and freedom from colonial oppression since European arrival on this continent. We respect and honor pre-existing relationships that Indigenous communities maintain, with each-other and with their lands, and we respect the memory of the Ancestors of this land. In the spirit of Respect we are stepping forward now to improve our own relations, as individuals and ultimately for healing as a collective.

Reciprocity & Relationship

As a US Citizen I the undersigned, acknowledge the Indigenous people of the lands and water that now nurture and connect me to this earth. I recognize and respect that their civilizations occupied this area thousands of years prior to European colonization. I acknowledge that early American government campaigns wrongfully harmed Indigenous peoples by removing them from their lands – most explicitly via the 1830 Indian Removal Act- which created a legacy of poverty and violence for indigenous. This led to the path of  safe settlement and prosperity for European-American citizens. 

I further acknowledge that Indigenous people continue to suffer the greatest disparity in all aspects of human health and wellbeing, due to legal and geographical isolation and confinement, and that denial of this disparity serves to perpetuate it. 

I acknowledge that widespread education and media on Indigenous peoples and their lands, as generated primarily through a Eurocentric worldview, has often lacked truth or authenticity; as follows, I acknowledge that Indigenous peoples should be the source of facts, historical, fiction and traditional stories, artifacts, arts, fashions, and goods otherwise attributed to their specific cultures.

I pledge to learn more about Indigenous relations via their own sources to improve my understandings regarding Indigenous peoples, (and)

I urge any  leadership or community I am a part of to take steps to improve relations between our governments on all levels of society, (and)

I will share this pledge with others who are ready to begin the acknowledgement process. (and)

I do this work with heart, mind and hope for healing so that we can have good relations.

“When you can hear the stories of the past, the information of the future and the power of the now, understanding that all aspects are in play at all times, this juxtaposition of realities triggers Omni Presence in a way that can be understood. Everything actually isn’t always fleeting, not if you see it as all aspects in play simultaneously. When we can truly understand the depth and breadth, then we can understand that everything that has been and will be, the knowledge of all time, is already within us. We must move through the Corridors – the portals of our timeless mind, body, spirit, the realm of the oneness of creator, of source, the realms of all possibilities.” ~ Carmen Baraka, Indigenous Elder and Teacher

yes, this moment, every moment, let us all commit to waging peace within with every inbreath and peace without with every outbreath… and so it is eternally… blessed bee…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 296- 10/8/2023

it is time on the clock of the world to live as one in the deep peace of the sacred grove of standing talls and to celebrate this moment of the astonishing light of our interbeing…

as we enter the powerful portal of the eclipse season and the lightning speed of the great turning, let’s take this moment of eternity to slow down and deepen into our roots with our branches outstretched bringing to awareness a tree you love imagining the smell and feel of the tree with branches dancing and bird song singing… greeting the tree as friend, come into communion and check in listening for how this living being is and sharing how you are in this moment… breathe in with this living being seeing what gifts are here for you now…

breathing together again, let us all re-member who we are… light waves born of  the great light weaver tree of life… moments of great suffering and injustice can call forth the re-sources embedded in the core of our being… relatives, let us join together as one with our ears to the ground of being listening, listening to mama gaia’s heartbeat drumming throughout the earth… resounding truth of the Star Goddess, the dust of whose feet are the hosts of heaven, whose body encircles the universe proclaims:

“I who am the beauty of the green earth and the white moon among the stars and the mysteries of the waters,

I call upon your soul to arise and come unto Me. For I am the soul of nature that gives life to the universe. From Me all things proceed and unto Me they must return.
Let My worship be in the heart that rejoices, for behold — all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals. Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.

And you who seek to know Me, know that your seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.

For behold, I have been with you from the beginning, and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.”

may we bathe together in the sacred grove of the standing talls in the illuminated radiance of love lighting every imaginal cell of cosmic being to walk as partners a path of courage, of great heart, of soul connected to source cooperatively, collaboratively, compassionately, wisely and peacefully living the truth that being in harmony, in right relationship with all wild cells of our one body is the way, the truth and the astonishing lightness of being…

blessed bee!
