every outbreath, an emptying… every inbreath, a re-membering…
layer by layer, i am removing all i thought i was and had to be leaving me being in this moment of eternity naked in the now and open to what is sans attachment to identities re-membering simply, i am…
“I AM pure consciousness, the underlying essence of all elements and beings.
I AM the innate nature of everything.
In pure water I AM the sweet taste.
In the sun and moon I AM the radiance.
In the very center of human beings I live as virility and courage.
I AM the sacred word Om, which is an appellation of the Divine , and I AM the sound of it heard throughout the universe.
I AM the slight, delicate scent, the sweet fragrance of the earth.
I AM the brilliance in both fire and sun, and I AM the light of Divinity in all beings.
I AM the subtle spirit in spiritual practices that gives them their existence– for example, the love in the devotee, the austerity in the ascetic, the sweet sense of charity in the giver.”
~ the Bhagavad Gita ~
under this moon of soulfulness, may we dance devocean seeing blessings everywhere while shedding old skins like trees dropping leaves so that we live simply, we simply live free to open the portal to the river below the river resting gently on grandmother’s lap witnessing and waiting for the water to settle trusting in the inner knowing that it will and the way becomes clear…