the message for today comes from grandmother spider of we must each pick up our thread and very intentionally weave a more beautiful tapestry than the fraying, tattered one we have lived under for so many thousands of moons… that tapestry of imbalance, power over, exploitation, injustice, death and destruction of the living earth system we are…
in this critical moment of transition, the great turning of the ages, earthmother is signaling us in ever intense and frequent ways that we must change our ways or there will be hard consequences for the human species which impact so many other species…
a critical moment in addition to being a dangerous moment is also an opportune moment and if i understand the overarching message of whole systems, the open space of such a moment when everything is breaking down and unstable affords small actions the opportunity to have a much greater impact…
the mission of our time is to intentionally navigate this uncertain journey embracing a paradigm of being whole systems beings real-eye-sing how interconnected and interdependent we are and who we truly are as human whole systems beings – people of cooperation and caring and sharing who derive the greatest fulfillment from serving all relatives in life-giving ways…
it is not an easy mission and it is one we are made for… let us take full advantage of this time of sheltering in, of transmuting in the chrysalis to die to the consumptive, competitive, exploitative way of the caterpillar and be the transfigured imaginal cell known as a butterfly here to create and maintain beauty….