Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 195 – 6/29/2023

at 21, i was given heirloom seeds of devocean… at 42, i planted the seeds saying a mantra over them daily about being a midwife of heart consciousness… at 63, i began devotedly tending, caring for, watering, chanting over these seeds in co-llaboration with Beloved… wonder what will be going on at 84?

thank you Beloved for breaking our hearts open ever wider empowering us to see through the eyes of love, to deepen in the ways of compassion, to stretch our capacity for patience and trust, to flow in the peace that passeth all understanding in this moment, this beautiful moment…

thanks  for pausing in this beautiful moment on our endless voyage deeper and deeper along the pathless path into the great unknown to honor our sacred pilgrimage of coming home to the heart in a moment so momentous as the whole planet goes through the great unraveling and turning, the cosmic dark night and rebirth when we are all called to listen for our soulsong and commit to being here as fully and openheartedly as we can…

in honor of this moment, i want to close with the 21st century bodhisattva vow, the eco-sattva vow with thanks to the ecosattva, Joanna Macy:

i vow to:

commit daily to the healing of our world and the welfare of all beings

live on earth more lightly and less violently in the food products and energy i use

draw strength and guidance from the earth, ancestors, future generations and my brothers and sisters of all species

support others in our work in the world and ask for help when needed

to pursue a daily practice that clarifies my mind, strengthens my heart and supports me in observing these vows

thousand fold thanks for joining in this daily practice of clean-sing, polishing the mirror of our one heart, yes, we are all involved for we all live in the same field, we are family, communitas, sangha of the one heart of boundless love all breathed into life by the same spirit… deep, deep bows as we meet each moment more and more openheartedly…
