Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 173 – 6/7/2023


and, these words express how i awake today after a beautiful dream of journeying into the unknown and moving into an expansive space in a sacred setting of communitas…

i arise with the intention of going out into the 3D world only to be transported into the 5D world on the farther shore reminding me of one of my favorite Teilhard quotes about harnessing the power of love and discovering fire for the second time which brings up an image created 3 or 4 years ago just right for today… like today, on the day the image was created we were:

meeting on the far shore

seeing true nature everywhere

being lovingkindness

and this is the clear intention i return with after light years of galactic travel made all the more profound when i real-eyes the transformational journey that unfolded 8 years ago today that so upended life as i knew it as i took off  for parts unknown with everything humming along until my chariot died on a busy thoroughfare foreshadowing quite an initiation to come an amazing adventure still unfolding to this moment of sacred eternity deepening the clear intention of seeing love in everything, being a holy vessel, a holding container, a beholder, a hollow reed of love and peace and joy and gratitude and light…

so, in this moment, in every moment, let’s savor and offer thanks to sky and earth and sun and moon and stars and ocean and to beloved for breathing us alive…

in this moment of eternity, let’s listen to beloved’s hum as we gaze into her flowing mirror pulling us home to the heart ever more deeply…

in this moment of eternity, let’s answer beloved’s call to return to the stillpoint of equanimity where we live in harmony…

in this moment of eternity, let’s breathe in the rhythm of the waves infusing every wild cell of our one body with radiant love and more and more radiant love…

may we each feel and be filled with the light we are and fire up the whole cosmos with waves of luminescence with our every breath always choosing love, being our true nature no matter what…

2 thoughts on “Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 173 – 6/7/2023

  1. So very beautiful dear Jo; soothes my soul.
    Much gratitude and luminescence back at ‘cha.
    Bowing to your eyes.

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