woo hoo! as i write, we are drawing down the potent energy of the black moon in aires amplified by the start of the eclipse season with a hybrid soular eclipse so that in my area we don’t have it as total but with a ring of fire… for us all, we are invited into the arms of the great dark mother to surrender all that now needs composting and to germinate what our soul sings and whispers in this moment of eternity…
eclipses are wild cards in our souls’ path and accelerate growth with the moon (the unconscious emotions) darkening the sun (the ego-personality) and inviting collective and personal shadows to be illuminated, amplified and purified in the ring of fire… this new moon is a profound time for new beginnings, this one amplified by the eclipse, brings major recalibrations and calls for a shift in consciousness setting us in motion for big unexpected changes…
our powers to co-create and draw things to us are amplified, so attend to what you are choosing to focus on and intending in this quantum leap portal which opens us to a fresh boost in energy, self-confidence, enthusiasm, and courage…
go inward seeing yourself in a rose quartz crystal of unconditional love… ground in the vast roots of pachmama and sky of pachatata who love us so… smile to start my internal love engine vision and stay centered in our one cosmic heart within…