Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 77 – 3/3/2023

welcome, welcome to a most auspicious day… 3-3, day 33 of a season of peace in the moonth of Women’s Herstory… in this pivotal moment of eternity, sitting in the blissness blue moon lodge peace hut, i search for words of peace and so resonate with another’s words which mirror my own, one of the original 13 Indigenous Grandmothers who offers these pearls:

SEARCHING FOR WORDS OF PEACE – Grandmother Maria Alice  

“At this moment I seek in my heart words of peace, words of union, after several days of perplexity in the face of events and the attitudes of the world’s political leaders.

To talk about peace, it is necessary to find peace in oneself , silence, agreement with life. This is a thorough exercise, very fine. 

We see war everywhere in the world today, the determination to invade, to destroy, to dominate. War-makers speak in the name of peace, of progress, of the defense of self-determination. Everyone develops a lot of speech, but what they all really want is to continue selling weapons, and extorting riches from the earth to use for more destruction and discord.

So, for us, simple people, citizens of the world, workers, women, men, children, who don’t have weapons to sell and don’t want to buy weapons, who aim for the good, who revere life, we need a lot of attention and a lot of conviction in our purpose.

War-makers have many facets and forms of manifestation. They are not only the ones who drop bombs and command tanks, but they are also the great liars who seek to instill in our minds and hearts hatred and malevolence through slander and false news. They are also the silent killers, who poison the land, the waters and the air we breathe, who poison the food we eat, who set the forests on fire out of greed and evil. They are everywhere, in government posts, spreading racism, separation, dispute between people, making our diversity the fraud of separation.

Therefore, to defend peace, we need conviction. Conviction in true love, in the cultivation of life. If we take sides in the war, we have already deviated from the goal. We need to misidentify ourselves from the war dispute, all sides are war-makers.

We live in a time when people despair, looking to lean on some point of strength, to move forward. Let us not be deceived. Our point of strength is not the rulers, it is not the lying deceitful politicians. Our point of strength is the light that emanates from our hearts and radiates, creating solidarity, friendship, union between people and all of life. Our point of strength is manifested in our intuition that shows us collaborative paths that are independent from domination. We are light, we are the manifestation of the Great Spirit of Creation, we are part of the great universal organism.

Attention to the thought of peace, to the cultivation of peace in our hearts. Let’s hold our hands, let’s assemble the union in our hearts, let’s connect with the infinite eternal Breath of Life.

In Peace”


“Colorful demonstrations and weekend marches are vital but alone are not powerful enough to stop wars. Wars will be stopped only when soldiers refuse to fight, when workers refuse to load weapons onto ships and aircraft, when people boycott the economic outposts of Empire that are strung across the globe. ” 
~ Arundhati Roy ~