Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 105 – 3/31/2023

“Journeys bring power and love back into you. If you can’t go somewhere, move in the passageways of the self. They are like shafts of light, always changing, and you change when you explore them.”
~ Rumi ~

welcome, well come to day 61 of a season of peace, this day of closing the circle on metamorphing march, a day of reverie reverencing this wild and woolly moonth of transformation as we draw down the powerful energies calling us into a deep dive on a journey of adventure, a pilgrimage into great rainbow mystery…

as we come to the moment of blessing the space between us and close this moon of the lion and lamb of march, i reflect on the space we have traversed, the space we have silently dwelt in, the space we honor and celebrate, the space of journey, of walking each other home, the space of awakening and deepening, of being fully present, of curiosity, of imagination, of courage in the face of chaos, of trust, of letting go, of breathing in and breathing out, of ebb and flow, of being lovingkindness, of standing in love for love, of being a space of peace built on justice and guided by love…

so, blessings and blissings and welcome, well come to another day of embarking on a pilgrimage of hearing gaia’s call to be a healing vessel, a temple of love which has been forming forever, a day to celebrate the astonishing lightness of being and this day of not knowing, surrendering to and trusting in the whirlwind to lead the way as we devotedly tend soil as our ancestors have over the millenia…

 in the very instant of surrendering to the whirlwind, we are transmuted into whirling rhythm… and in that moment, that long drawn-out moment, the world cracks wide open as we return to being farmers of the heart caring for the holy vessel we interare…

may we all awaken to earth’s energy re-membering we are one heart…
may we all awaken to earth’s oceans as our clean-sing tears…
may we all awaken to earth’s wind as our enlivening breath…
may we all awaken to earth’s landscape as our one body…

may our one heart open dormant seeds
may our tears fill rain clouds
may our breath give flight to migrating birds
may our body be an island of refuge

 may earth mother open dormant seeds
may earth mother fill rain clouds
may earth mother give flight to migrating birds
may earth mother nurture islands of refuge

and, may the cycles of life flow unceasingly…

“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.” 

Marcel Proust ~

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 84 – 3/10/2023

Drink the wine down, tip the glass.  Drink with the Beloved.
Take this breath like it’s your last.   Drink with the Beloved.
We’re a caravan, you see, moving towards our destiny.  You must find the eyes to see.
Drink with the Beloved.

La Illaha il’Allah, La Illaha il’Allah
La Illaha il’Allah, La Illaha il’Allah

Go to the East or to the West.  Drink with the Beloved.
You can’t escape this birth and death.  Drink with the Beloved.
Drink the cup of loving down.  This is truly drink and drown.  What is lost, it shall be found.
Drink with the Beloved.

La Illaha il’Allah, La Illaha il’Allah
La Illaha il’Allah, La Illaha il’Allah

So listen to the inner call.  Drink with the Beloved.
The tavern masters rise and fall.  Drink with the Beloved.
Watch the drunkards reel and spin.   Feel the Presence from within, toasting with the dearest Friend.  Drink with the Beloved.

La Illaha il’Allah, La Illaha il’Allah
La Illaha il’Allah, La Illaha il’Allah

~ Rumi ~

welcome, well come to day 40 of a season of peace where i’ve been sauntering these 40 days in the desert of the heart – what better way than to join Rumi with re-joy-sing in a “drinking” song from another kind of tavern…

additionally, today is a day of challenge as we are called in this profound portal of metamorphing to deepen into the practice, of polishing the mirror, of deepening into our true nature which is not only what Rumi calls us to but also which this moment of planetary mutation calls us to, whispers to the us to mutate, transform…

i begin today with this soul song, Rumi’s poem singing me, as i am clean-sing, still it sings me… as i head to the healing temple it sings me, as i drink the potion to light me up, it sings me and i’m starting to feel quite a buzz as if a whole hive of bees were with me throughout the scan…

thank you beloved, divine presence and beloveds, divine presences for sharing the dance of synchronisiddhi deepening our pilgrimage into great mystery… cheers!!!!!


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 83 – 3/9/2023

welcome, welcome to day 40 of a season of peace… today is a day of soulitude, a day of listening to the wind and the rain… a day of radical presence, of being in the new consciousness of dreamy pisces, a spacious consciousness of nowhere to go and nothing to do but simply wait patiently for the soul song to flow…

i’m in good company,  my old dolphin guides, Adolpho and Adelphi, free and easy wanderers of the great beyond, come out to celebrate our ever widening circles of courageous souls letting go of small i identity to dissolve into the individuated large I AM Presence and to be open (organic presence empty now) to the cosmic flow of oceanic consciousness…

these wise sages of liminal space, guides at the threshold whisper words of grace… “re-member, it is the impeded stream that sings” and so i venture with them to the stillpoint to listen… here i see grandmother spider dancing creation and weaving a new web of life, carbon turned into crystals of light, a thousand dancing diamonds twinkling in the night, imbuing the all with powerful sight of the world being breathed into life again, unfolding mystery of the knowledge within… here in great silence we listen deeply to our one cosmic heart, dancing the love song we are called now to impart…

shanti, shanti, shantihi…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 82 – 3/8/2023

welcome, welcome to day 38 of a season of peace, a most auspicious day as it’s the International Day of Women which was begun in 1911 when a million people gathered in solidarity… it’s long been said that when 1000 women gather, heart consciousness, the divine human will be birthed. His Holiness, the Dalai Lama says that it will be women who transform the world… let us begin in this moment a new cycle of soul transformation, a moment of uniting heaven and earth and manifesting greater love on earth by committing to this pledge to:


embrace equity

help women and girls achieve their ambitions

challenge conscious and unconscious bias

call for gender-balanced leadership

value women’s and men’s contributions equally

create inclusive flexible cultures

challenge bias and inequality

campaign for and wage peace

forge women’s advancement

celebrate women’s achievements

champion women’s education


today as we rise, we are a great wave rippling across the cosmos celebrating the divine feminine, in all genders, in her quest for equality, freedom and harmony… coming together in sacred circle drawing down the energy of the full moon, we pause across the planet to gather in peace and be the rising tide singing our soul song… let’s focus the healing power within our hearts on all our relations and our beautiful cosmos aligning with the energies of:

  • stepping into a new capacity to keep pace with sudden and complete change
  • opening to our spirit dropping deeply into our physical bodies and our mundane reality
  • discovering our higher purpose hidden within the seed of our personal ambition
  • consciously moving into relationships that are based on love, caring and affection rather than being compelled to play out our old relationship stories
  • a rising aspiration to move up the ladder of the spiritual hierarchy
  • learning obedience to higher laws
  • finding the support and connections we need to step out of survival based relationships like jobs and old world marriages
  • staying within ourselves and allowing the universe to co-create with us, rather than going outside ourselves and pushing to make things happen

let us close the circle with the Unify Heart Meditation

let’s all hold hands and gently close our eyes conspiring, inhaling together, slowing the breath… bringing our attention to how our bodies are feeling right now and in full acceptance of whatever is present… notice where your body is touching the ground and bring your focus there and begin feeling the pulsing energy of the Earth beneath us, the heartbeat of Mother Earth… with an inhale, breathe in gratitude and love for all that she gives us… continuing to breathe, feel your heartbeat, your unique beautiful rhythm pulsing in synchrony  with our earthmother… breathe deeply from your heart as you open to the sensation of love within you… feel the pulsing energy of this love… now, envision, feel and be this pulsing energy as a light glowing in your heart. breathing deeply, see and feel this light getting brighter until it fills your whole body and surrounds you… with your next exhale, think of someone you know who is having a difficult time in life and imagine this person is right in front of you… while remaining connected with the love in your own heart, embrace your  feeling of empathy for this person’s struggle as you breathe… see the light in their heart as the same loving light that is within yours… as you offer your love and compassion to this person, feel the light in both of your hearts growing brighter together… now, with an inhale, focus your attention back on your heart feeling the light grow brighter as you allow the love from your heart to nourish any parts of you that have been in pain… open to feeling compassion for yourself as you breathe the light of your love into the places you have kept fear, grief, anger, stress, and insecurity… open to feeling nourished by the love within and offer yourself acknowledgment and respect for everything you are, how far you have come and for the incredible beauty and power within you… take another a deep breath and start to feel the woman to your right… this woman has her own struggles, pain, fears, and insecurities… take a moment to feel empathy and great respect for this powerful woman… while breathing into your heart, feel the power of the love in her heart. see and feel the light within her as it grows brighter, surrounding her… feel the light within your heart and the light within her heart growing brighter together… take a moment to feel the woman to your left… this woman, too, has her own struggles, pain, fears, and insecurities… take a moment to feel empathy and great respect for this powerful woman… while breathing into our own heart, feel the power of the love in her heart… see and feel the light within her as it grows brighter, surrounding her… feel the light within our heart and the light within her heart growing brighter together. feel the love and light of every woman in the circle being amplified… growing brighter… filling the whole room…

envision in your life and community women  interacting from a space of harmony, mutual support, celebration, acceptance, and upliftment… feel in your heart, yourself and every woman feeling secure and happy in whom she is and supported by our global sisterhood. bring this intention to the light in your heart and with a deep breath imagine sending that light into the earth below you, like a seed being planted… bring your hands to your heart and feel your heartbeat… take a deep breath and gently open your eyes… now being anchored in heavenearth soaring through deep space being peace and painting it across the sky sea…

welcome, welcome to our beautiful world that is just, regenerative, healthy and peaceful…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 81 – 3/7/2023

mysterious moments

break the heart wide open

to flow in love with source wisdom


welcome, well come to day 37 of a season of peace… today is another of my very favorite moments of eternity in the cycle of life when we draw down the radiance of the full moon in virgo on this day, the day of miracles as we rest in the in between times moon, the rainbow moon who sings a song of transformation, of transmuting dark, threatening clouds of pain, into rainbow colored arcs of joy…

speaking of clouds of pain, a year ago on this day amazingness took a turn that i did not see coming – it seems the explosiveness of the outer world entered the blissness blue moon lodge peace hut as i entered into ceremony and the electrical fireplace insert which i don’t use erupted violently mirroring Mt St Helen’s which is due north shocking me as i found myself in a circle of shattered glass so reminiscent of the shattering of so many systems and all my plans for the day shattered as well as the archetypal energies brought me back to essence and to the absolute necessity of being peace in this moment, in every moment… re-membering that not one of us is free until all of us are free, i am reminded that today as we stand in solidarity with all those suffering on our island earth home, the world honors the 58th  Anniversary of bloody sunday on the historic Selma to Montgomery Freedom March which directly led to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in the United States… the Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage bows deeply to and is greatly inspired by the countless peace pilgrims who courageously bear witness every day, who walk the talk of being love, peace, justice and harmony no matter the personal cost… thousand fold thanks for walking the freedom path and making justice visible…

ten turns around the sun ago on this special day, this day of celebrating the astonishing light of being, the rainbow moon of the in between times manifested a double rainbow foreshadowing the abundance field we all inhabit, the quantum field of transformation we are…

thank you rainbow woman for appearing in the sky promising of fortune’s smile  returning to the land, cosmic order restored with the birth of a thousand dancing stars…

Blessings from the Rainbow Trail

she who arrived attended by rainbows

under the fullness of the in between times moon

gifted with light’s radiance, like the sun she glows

with crystalline shafts reflecting the moon


under the fullness of the in between times moon

veils are lifted revealing the all that there is

sky father dressed in rainbow robes

mirroring colors of earth mother below


blowing sweet breath on the crystalline shafts

igniting combustible fiery light

she who arrived attended by rainbows

whispers creation into the dark night


and in the morning’s returning light,

the cosmos is colored in waves of pure light

by the one who arrived attended by rainbows

gifted with radiance, like the sun she glows


oh great spirit of our
ancestors, we raise
our pipe to you…
to your messengers the four winds, and
to Mother Earth who provides
for your children…
give us the wisdom to teach our children
to love, to respect, and to be kind
to each other so that they may grow
with peace of mind…
learning to share all good things that
you provide for us on this singing bowl of earth…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 80 – 3/6/2023

welcome, welcome to day 36 of a season of peace, a day on the pilgrimage like all others of  living the quest ion of what drumbeat are we dancing? what heartbeat are we musing? how are we called to serve? how to be this one wild and precious life? i give you, my co-heart pilgrims, poets on a journey, Rilke’s plea from “Letters to a Young Poet” to be patience, to live patiently with everything, loving all that is yet unresolved, for it is in the loving that sacred balance organically rises…

a quest ion that i have been living since i was a teenager and that i injoyed so much deep conversation and living with today and lives inside me so strongly over the last few moons building to the force of a tidal wave energetically was and is inspired by another of my favorite poets…

“to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else – means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.” ~ e e cummings ~

for myself, i’d edit out the words of fight and battle, it is so resonant a challenge in this sped-up world impelling us to be human doings rather than to be our true nature as light beings of divine love embodied through our one cosmic heart in an intricate web of interconnection, a challenge inviting us into more and more profound levels of soulfulness…

thousand fold thanks, dear rilke, dear life, dear co-hearts as i heed your sage words to have patience and love the quest ions sans attachment to how the mystery unfolds, living ah so, open as a wanderer of wonder…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 78 – 3/4/2023



welcome, well come to day 34 of a season of peaceon this day of march 4th, we honor this day when exactly ten years ago the Poetic Peace Pilgrimage was conceived as a daily breathing practice, a daily presencing practice of  being peace in every moment of eternity…

just days before International Women’s Day, what image better to grace this peace with than the inspiration for how to walk this pilgrimage…

may we all join together giving some of our time to make herstory…

her peace message still remains and still rings true: “This is the way of peace – overcome evil with good, and falsehood with truth, and hatred with love. That’s still the message that I’m carrying after all these years. Well, you see, we haven’t learned to live it yet. The key word for our times is really practice. It isn’t more light we need, it’s putting into practice what light we already have. When we do that, wonderful things will happen within our lives and within our world.”

may we all be empty vessels to be filled to overflowing with lovingkindness, peace passing all understanding and a bubbling joy arising from our inner river of being…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 77 – 3/3/2023

welcome, welcome to a most auspicious day… 3-3, day 33 of a season of peace in the moonth of Women’s Herstory… in this pivotal moment of eternity, sitting in the blissness blue moon lodge peace hut, i search for words of peace and so resonate with another’s words which mirror my own, one of the original 13 Indigenous Grandmothers who offers these pearls:

SEARCHING FOR WORDS OF PEACE – Grandmother Maria Alice  

“At this moment I seek in my heart words of peace, words of union, after several days of perplexity in the face of events and the attitudes of the world’s political leaders.

To talk about peace, it is necessary to find peace in oneself , silence, agreement with life. This is a thorough exercise, very fine. 

We see war everywhere in the world today, the determination to invade, to destroy, to dominate. War-makers speak in the name of peace, of progress, of the defense of self-determination. Everyone develops a lot of speech, but what they all really want is to continue selling weapons, and extorting riches from the earth to use for more destruction and discord.

So, for us, simple people, citizens of the world, workers, women, men, children, who don’t have weapons to sell and don’t want to buy weapons, who aim for the good, who revere life, we need a lot of attention and a lot of conviction in our purpose.

War-makers have many facets and forms of manifestation. They are not only the ones who drop bombs and command tanks, but they are also the great liars who seek to instill in our minds and hearts hatred and malevolence through slander and false news. They are also the silent killers, who poison the land, the waters and the air we breathe, who poison the food we eat, who set the forests on fire out of greed and evil. They are everywhere, in government posts, spreading racism, separation, dispute between people, making our diversity the fraud of separation.

Therefore, to defend peace, we need conviction. Conviction in true love, in the cultivation of life. If we take sides in the war, we have already deviated from the goal. We need to misidentify ourselves from the war dispute, all sides are war-makers.

We live in a time when people despair, looking to lean on some point of strength, to move forward. Let us not be deceived. Our point of strength is not the rulers, it is not the lying deceitful politicians. Our point of strength is the light that emanates from our hearts and radiates, creating solidarity, friendship, union between people and all of life. Our point of strength is manifested in our intuition that shows us collaborative paths that are independent from domination. We are light, we are the manifestation of the Great Spirit of Creation, we are part of the great universal organism.

Attention to the thought of peace, to the cultivation of peace in our hearts. Let’s hold our hands, let’s assemble the union in our hearts, let’s connect with the infinite eternal Breath of Life.

In Peace”


“Colorful demonstrations and weekend marches are vital but alone are not powerful enough to stop wars. Wars will be stopped only when soldiers refuse to fight, when workers refuse to load weapons onto ships and aircraft, when people boycott the economic outposts of Empire that are strung across the globe. ” 
~ Arundhati Roy ~

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 76 – 3/2/2023



welcome, well come to day 32 of a season of peace and the 2nd day of women’s herstory month in a moonth i’m naming metamorphing sensing such big changes are afoot and how appropriate as we shine a spotlight on the we’moon magicians who inspire changes in consciousness as they and we create, co-create the even more beautiful world, the ecological civilization…

i had intended on beginning with one of my favorite change agents – Harriette Tubman and then it was going to be Billie Holliday until i real-eyesed it is the seventh anniversary of Berta’s murder and knew she’d be leading the way…

co-founding the Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH) created to defend the Lenca community – one of Honduras’ largest indigenous groups – against corporate takeover of their land and natural resources, and to protect their culture and the environment, Cáceres was tireless in her efforts for her land and community… since their founding in 1993, COPINH has stopped nearly 50 logging and deforestation projects, plans for 10 hydroelectric dams and with other indigenous organizations successfully lobbied the Honduran government to ratify ILO Convention 169 on the Rights of Indigenous People, and also succeeded in gaining funding from the government for health centers and schools in Lenca communities…

today, as we mark 7 years since Berta’s assassination, we honor and remember her and her extraordinary life and legacy… Berta was someone who refused to be silent, who refused to cede or go into exile despite the violence she was up against… clear about the causes of the injustices of the world, she did not hesitate to name those responsible… her ability to explain and relate complex global phenomena to everyday realities made her an exceptional leader; the dignity with which she treated every person she met made her a phenomenal organizer who made the connections between struggles seem obvious and imparted wisdom as she energized those who listened…

Berta Cáceres, Presente! and Muchas Gracias!!


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 75 – 3/1/2023

welcome, well come to day 31 of a season of peace on this first day of the new moonth of metamorphing march and its treasure trove of riches beginning with this day of Venus conjunct with Jupiter and the 8th day of the metaphorical 40 days in the desert before dying to one life to be reborn into one more, a mysterious metamorphing… welcome, well come to where i live – in the river of life deepening into the river below the river and suspended, paused on the bridge holding the tension of the opposites as this energy moves through melting walls and constrictions that block me from feeling the warm embrace of the web of life, the belonging place for all our relatives, this space where we re-member our true nature as beings of peace who are to live in harmony with all that is… what a moment of eternity we are in with so many opportunities to practice lovingkiindness with actions of compassion beginning right within our ocean of being… in this potent moment of eternity, we have such a beautiful Venusian/Jupiterian opportunity to stand solidly together saying yes to peace, to wage peace with every breath and every step… i’ve been a peace activist for many decades and still know that peace is the way and that most of us want peace; it is my intention at this crossroads moment to do my part knowing our survival depends on it… thank you for being peace in this moment, in every moment…

come now and join me beside the still water on this day of a new beginning and let’s celebrate the astonishing light of our being giving us the courage to look deeply within and act courageously, with great heart co-creating the world of compassion and peace we all know is possible…

let’s hold out our hands to each other, smile and conspire, breathe together through our one heart receiving the golden light pouring into us from our earth mother and sky father who love us so… with each breath we enter deeper and deeper into great mystery…. open the way… toward the one… breathing in… breathing out…

may we experience source, the ultimate spiritual reality of the universe, the power of healing and transformation that is the ultimate reality and shaper of the universe, the transformative power unifying all being as one spiritually-alive, mutually inter-dependent, awesome, flawsome, fantastic, evolving, conscious totality of which we are each a tiny part and totality, the one and the many simultaneously…

blessing the space between us as we journey deeper into  sacred mystery walking each other home, the pilgrimage to our one heart…

  let’s seal this sacred space with the reciting of a poem for cultivating peace = people emerging and cultivating equanimity:

“When the earth is in distress, she attunes with love and sends out a prayer.

The True One hears it, and with total ease is pleased to give strength and steadiness.

by sending a command to the Power of Rain, and the rain pours down in torrents.

The wealth of grain and corn grows thick.

we cannot describe the value.

Oh Naanak, appreciate the Divine Identity.

You, Divine One, cause the life-giving food to be given to all the creatures and peace grows.”