Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 63 – 2/17/2023

welcome, well come to day 19 of a season of peace when we are in the radiation of the new moon in aquarius on this day celebrating the tibetan new year, losar…

our critical task at this juncture is to widen the circle of compassion embracing all that is in its beauty… i love this quotation from beloved humanitarian Einstein, and inside of myself i update the pronoun he to we… i could post this quote daily and it feels so appropriate now when we’re in the wintering cycle collectively, even if we dwell in the southern hemisphere, we are in that moment of eternity in the creative process when all goes fallow and we shelter in the deep dark earth to germinate lovingkindness and compassion…

let us radiate these frequencies in this moment beginning with ourselves by calming the mind/heart with deep cleansing belly breaths into our wisdom center which generates warm, gentle, loving feelings inside of our being saying:

may I be safe

may I be happy just as I am

may I be peaceful with whatever is happening

may I be healthy and strong

may I care for myself in this ever-changing world graciously, joyously…

now, move out spaciously into your immediate surroundings to include every living being within this circle saying:

may all beings in the air, on land, and in the water be safe, happy, healthy, and free from suffering…

as you feel your immediate surround fill with the power of loving kindness, move on, expanding the surround in spiraling concentric circles until you envelop the entire planet and are able to visualize Earth spinning within the vast, mysterious universe… continue expanding the sense of loving kindness filling the endless spaciousness of the universe saying:

may all living beings everywhere on all planes of existence, known and unknown, be filled with loving kindness, be peaceful, be free from suffering and be well…

thank you for being riotous roots in this cycle of dormancy germinating the widening of the circle of compassion and embracing all that is…