in this moment of eternity, in this moonth of the numinous, on this pilgrimage along the rainbow trail and in this life of being in the unknowable, in uncertainty, a moon, a month where we have taken a long pregnant pause in the cauldron of transformation luxuriating in being here now in this powerful portal moment of eternity which asks us to imagine the world anew and choose to walk through it lightly, without past baggage, in an awakened way, let us bless this space between us, this numinous space, this sacred space of vast open spaciousness where the spirit of all that is always flows through us, where we are one heart always being love…
blessing this space, this unified field of the divine, this pathless path of awakening the heart, of cultivating bodhicitta with one small step and another and another, this journey of healing, of becoming more and more whole as we transmute the holes into the holy, the wholeness we always are even if we have forgotten, numbed out to or in denial about true reality…thanks be for it all – every breath, every moment, every relative, every trial, every tribulation, every suffering, every liberation – for everything is the teacher bringing us to this moment of peace, of love, of joy, of harmony,, of wisdom, of compassion and grace…
thanks be for you and your amazing gifts of kindling fire, the inner flame of spirit, of inspiration, of breath, of our breathing together through our one heart and of our real-eye-sing we are one seamless web interdependent on each of our relatives picking up the thread destined for me and thee to re-weave the web into an ever more expansive and boundless tapestry with beauty behind us, before us, beside us, surrounding us, within us blessing us, blissing us, dissolving us into great mystery…
to anchor in our intentions for this moon, for all moons, let’s gather ’round the ceremonial fire on the completion day of this moonth taking each other’s hands to conspire, to breathe together, to let go fully getting down to bare bones, shedding the skins of conditioning, simply breathing into now, this wild and precious moment of presence with nothing to do and nowhere to go , simply be now here in loving presence…
with our next inspiration, listen to this breath flowing through, animating us, expanding our being and feel the golden light of the cosm showering us, pouring in, hollowing in, flooding all the arteries and veins in the deep river below the river flowing within…
let us take one more breath together in the river of numina re-joy-sing in the place where spirit lives, re-joy-sing in the space which is of love and light and peace and truth, re-joy-sing in the sun and moon and stars above, re-joy-sing in the fire and earth and water and air, re-joy-sing in the river below, re-joy-sing in the center within, re-joy-sing in our recognizing ourselves in each other re-membering we are one, onederfilled heart of creative imagination so designed for these challenging days of re-weaving the world with wisdom and wonder thus co-creating a world that works for all relatives…
yes, let us take courage and be of strong heart to awaken the dream of the world we all share and long to real-eyes… a world of peace built on justice and guided by our essence, our essence of love… let us be repairers of the breach finding the way to relate to and listen to each other taking deep breaths and opening ourselves, our one heart to great mystery trusting a greater force beyond understanding is orchestrating the symphony while we play our parts as gracefully as is given to us… a simple task but not an easy one this flowing with unfolding mystery… empty, empty, coming home to our true heart of intending a world that works for all…
thank you for walking this pathless path of heart with me, staying off the bypass, the external to turn within , listening to the core. following your wyrd, your genius, your soul song attuned to perfection with whom and how you are to be… aho!
here’s to our continued and perpetual weaving the world with wisdom as we wander in wonder welcoming our eternal inspirited souls traveling as one with the caravan of re-joy-sing…