Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 283 – 9/25/2022

in this sacred moment of eternity, we have such a trifecta of riches to celebrate: the astonishing light of our interbeing, the new moon of balance, peace and love and the Jewish New Year which is right where I want to begin with a poem by Marge Piercy which will move us right into contemplative space…

The Birthday of the World

“On the birthday of the world
I begin to contemplate
what I have done and left
undone, but this year
not so much rebuilding

of my perennially damaged
psyche, shoring up eroding
friendships, digging out
stumps of old resentments
that refuse to rot on their own.

No, this year I want to call
myself to task for what
I have done and not done
for peace. How much have
I dared in opposition?

How much have I put
on the line for freedom?
For mine and others?
As these freedoms are pared,
sliced and diced, where

have I spoken out? Who
have I tried to move? In
this holy season, I stand
self-convicted of sloth
in a time when lies choke

the mind and rhetoric
bends reason to slithering
choking pythons. Here
I stand before the gates
opening, the fire dazzling

my eyes, and as I approach
what judges me, I judge
myself. Give me weapons
of minute destruction. Let
my words turn into sparks.”


as we draw down the potent energies of this new moon and are breathed into deeper and more expansive presence from within, let’s invoke awesome, totally awesome, flowing in beauty before us, behind us, beside us, below us, above us, within us to hear our prayer…

walking the beautyway.
with peace and harmony on either side,
we hear our
soul song:

we are here to create wholeness
by dissolving divisiveness.
within and without… on this new moon,
we release thorns that have created any heart-ruptures
or separations and surrender to the wespace, the interdependenceness of all our relations… may these dreams seed and be carried by the winds into every corner of the vast skysea… blessed bee!