today is such a special blessing the space moment of eternity as we close this spirited moonth of september, a moon of being silently drawn by the pull of surrendering to love – thank you, dear Rumi, and happiest of turns around the sun on this 815th anniversary of your birth…
blessing the space of a moon of our continued witnessing of the world’s great turning, one long moon moment of intensity and chaos as we are pushed to the edge and over the edge awaiting the birth of a dan-sing star… the great turning has so played out through the earth of my being – today i intend on seeing if i can make it out for a small errand but i find baby blue dead as a door nail so it’s back into the cave to gaze into the sun and sync into the river…
let’s close this moon together dear sangha of imaginal cells by syncing now with our beloved earth mother sitting in circle around the central sun imagining we’re in the field pictured here and as we deeply conspire together, breathe together, see and feel a bubble of light surrounding your physical body and extending out about four feet around you… finding a place where we are comfortable, let go of any doing… now, take a full breath – holding it for a moment and then releasing it completely… and, another full breath – holding it for a moment and then releasing it completely… and, one more deep cleansing breath…
now imagine this bubble is a window, a circular skylight and simply with your intention open the window as wide as you can and connect with the enormous steams of light flowing down from the upper worlds, the plasma fields, the akasha, the sammi, the energy flow of creation flowing through you and breaking up and releasing any blockages, issues, dams to compost them into the deep earth… the sammi, the electric light stream continues to flow down into the earth engendering a reciprocal response from our earth mother with an ascending magnetic flow of energy of unconditional love whispering that it’s safe to be here, all is well…
feel your heart opening and your mind stilling as these two streams of energy flow simultaneously creating a sense of loving peaceful presence as we expand out and deepen further and further into the planet, the soular system, the galaxies out to the edges of creation and beyond where we experience SELF as the infinite one, the one consciousness, we are the drop dissolving into the ocean of interbeing, surrendering to, softening into flow…
light, love, peace… our heart opening and expanding with each breath… light, love, peace… connecting with the earth, with nature, with all beings… light, love, peace… witnessing the intelligence within every living being…
as we breathe we are connecting with all that is, with earth and sky, oceans and mountains, all beings and the cosmos which surrounds us… we are one with all… light, love, peace… expanding and connecting with all… gradually bringing our awareness back to our heart, notice the steady beating of life, the rich fullness and the expansion…
now lay your hand upon your heart and notice any thoughts or feelings and then release these thoughts with ease bringing your focus back to the breath…
gradually feel your breath bringing your attention back to your first chakra noticing the energy of the Mother holding us quietly and still… with great gratitude and love, release the energy and vibration back to the earth saying, thank you, thank you, thank you for sustaining us and holding us as one and thank you for your gifts of light, love and peace…
slowly and with great ease, notice your hands and feet, wiggle your toes and gradually open your eyes simply sitting for a few moments and witnessing deeply our connection with our earthmother and all living beings…
may we always be silently drawn by the stronger pull of surrendering to love… may this doorway between the worlds always stay open in each wild and beautiful moment of eternity and may we step up as conscious, co-creating imaginal cells of liberation breathing in the new /old template of peace… blessed bee…