Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 238 – 8/11/2022

did you see the corn moon light the night sky?

feel grandmother close enough to touch?

hear the cosmic cricket hum?

taste the winds of change blowing in the wind?

whispering: now is the moment to go beyond the protective self, the comfort zone and explore new ideas and revolutionary thinking with the support of the fixed air sign of the aquarian, the electricity bearer, full moon of the first harvest blessing all children of the earth with the energy to create paradigms of new possibilities for the great turning which are amplified with venus moving into leo, the one heart attuning us to our soulful destiny and blessing us as we live the quest ion of how we are to serve spirit… blessed bee…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 237 – 8/10/2022

in this moment, this beautiful moment, the sounding and resounding of the bell invites our closing your outer eyes and tune into the universe of the illuminated heart within… breathe deeply into the belly the radiant light of the inner sun into every one of the trillions of wild cells we are and take another deep breath and begin to align with the peace of the darkness of inner space… as you float in this spaciousness of the skysea of being, re-member what you love… now, lie down in this field of beauty with all your senses tuned into the cosmic hum of the stillpoint and enjoy the dream images organically arising and dancing through your being…

take comfort in this gentle space with nowhere you must go for you are now here in your space of true refuge, a magical place so easily accessible by simply breathing in the rhythm of light waves and turning your senses within, coming home to our one heart… luxuriate in being taken back to factory settings to awaken into this cosmos of original blissing (blessing + bliss = blissing) where there’s no where (now here) to go and no thing to do, purely bearing witness to the present moment while acting locally, feeling globally and thinking cosmically…

in this moment, this beautiful moment, listen for beloved’s sweet refrain to come back, come back, return to me dwelling this moment in harmony…

going with the flow… opening to the unfolding… being still mountain reflecting in the mirror lake… attending, intending more and more light and more and more love and more and more trust and more and more surrender…

may we all meet in the field of the illuminated heart to conspire, breathe together resonating in joy to birth a planet of peace and harmony that works for all, a cosmos built on justice and guided by compassion and mercy…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 236 – 8/9/2022

seventy-seven years ago today, at the end of World War II, an atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Nagasaki in Japan with the hypocenter right on the grounds of what is now the Peace Memorial Park where this sculpture rests and shows us the way…

listen deeply to a beautiful excerpt from Words of the Sculptor about the Peace Statue he created to commemorate all who lost their lives to atomic radiation:

“After experiencing that nightmarish war, that blood-curdling carnage, that unendurable horror, Who could walk away without praying for peace? This statue was created as a signpost in the struggle for global harmony. Standing ten meters tall, it conveys the profundity of knowledge and the beauty of health and virility. The right hand points to the atomic bomb, the left hand points to peace, and the face prays deeply for the victims of war. Transcending the barriers of race and evoking the qualities of Buddha and God, it is a symbol of the greatest determination ever known in the history of Nagasaki and the highest hope of all mankind.”

-Seibo Kitamura (Spring 1995)


may we all sing out for love, peace and harmony for all our relations in our ever expanding and deepening uni/multiverse thanking great mystery for blessing us with every breath and pouring divine light of love generously across the cosm…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 235 – 8/8/2022

so much to celebrate and commemorate on this day of pilgrimage in the moment of eternity of the heliacal rise of sirius in egypt, that moment when the dog star, the brightest star in the sky rises before the sun… how i love this portal, this gateway into more expansive and deeper realms of consciousness when potent messages from the invisible realms are flowing freely… involving three key players, the sun and earth and the star sirius, this portal is set in motion in july when the sun and sirius known as the spiritual sun seem to merge together and are seen as one with our sun swallowed by sirius to die and be reborn with the frequencies of sirius during the first weeks of august when the sun is in the constellation of leo giving us the name lion’s gate… the energies are potent throughout the portal and especially dramatic on the heliacal rise of our great central sun when the sun and earth are directly opposed and our reborn sun laser beams the energies of the spiritual sun into pachamama raising the earth’s frequency, raising our frequency to love and above… in this mystical gateway which vibrates at the frequency of the energies of empathy, compassion and understanding, it is the moment to boldly move onward wholeheartedly…

are you feeling the energy of your inner lioness, the divine soular feminine, roaring gently into all your wild cells and quickening the rhythmic flow of love and compassion?

yes, today the doors of love and compassion are flung wide open for all to breeze through with our courageous lionhearts into this brave new world of lovingkindness and compassion…

let’s all take this moment, this astonishing light of interbeing moment. to bask in the radiant light streaming through us to see through the eyes of wonder and wisdom all that is as it truly is… a beautyway of love and light… as a circle of us gathered to commemorate the moment the bomb exploded in Nagasaki with a moment of silence at 11:02 AM Japan time which is 16 hours ahead of my time zone, we came together to build peace in the world knowing peace is possible…

how i love this portal and feeling the fiery energies of the fierce feminine protectress calling us into greater truth by burning what is stagnant and stuck, transmuting the energy in the fires of purification into the energy of the truth that sets us free to dream ourselves and the world awake with the support of the courageous heart of the lioness always available to breathe us into greater communion with the all that is by syncing into our hara and breathing ourselves deeper into the great world womb feeling the warmth of the brilliant light of our inner fire…

may we all live in the field of the illuminated heart of the beautyway…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 234 – 8/7/2022

One can’t believe impossible things.” said Alice
“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen.
When I was your age, I always did it for a half an hour a day.
Why, sometime, I believed as many as six
impossible things before breakfast.” ~ Lewis Carroll ~

welcome, well come to this moment of celebrating the astonishing light of our interbeing on this day of being impossible dreams…

“Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions.”

~ Edgar Cayce ~

so, here we are in the lions gate portal with soular feminine energy dreaming us and calling us to be fierce guardians of the dreamtime opening to our wildest imagings and i’mpossible dreams…. i find myself wandering in wonder in a field of the unknown that i’ve visited before and as i sync deeper and deeper into the dreaming field, i hear that we are to sing the impossible dream into reality… following the astonishing light, i am in the field deep within where all relatives live in peace and harmony co-llaborating and co-operating with each other for the good of the whole, living ubuntu…

may we draw down the energy of  this powerful portal of transformation dreaming impossible dreams and manifesting them here on  earth today…

ah yes, imaginal cells of the cosmos unite, take heart trusting in the implicate order, rainbow mystery dreaming us into a world of luminosity where we live i’mpossible dreams!


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 233 – 8/6/2022

Dead Girl

I come and stand at every door
But no one hears my silent tread.
I knock and yet remain unseen
For I am dead, for I am dead.

I’m only seven, although I died
In Hiroshima long ago.
I’m seven now as I was then.
When children die, they do not grow.

My hair was scorched by swirling flame.
My eyes grew dim; my eyes grew blind.
Death came and turned my bones to dust
And that was scattered by the wind.

I need no fruit, I need no rice.
I need no sweets, nor even bread.
I ask for nothing for myself
For I am dead, for I am dead.

All that I ask is that for peace
You fight today, you fight today
So that the children of the world
May live and grow and laugh and play.”

 ~ Nazim Hikmet ~


ten years after the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, the turkish poet, Hikmet imagined being one of the hundreds of children who died and gives voice to her plea for peace in the poem above and that plea is mirrored in the reflection that follows of a hibakusha’s cry for peace that began as a cry of revenge:

Koko Kondo had a secret mission as a girl: revenge… determined to find the person who dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, the person that caused the suffering and the terrible burns she saw on the faces of girls at her father’s church and then give them a punch, she got her chance in 1955 as ten-year-old Kondo appeared on an American TV show called “This is Your Life” that featured her father, Rev. Kiyoshi Tanimoto, one of six survivors profiled in John Hersey’s book “Hiroshima.” Kondo stared in hatred at another guest: Capt. Robert Lewis, co-pilot of the B-29 bomber Enola Gay that dropped the bomb… while Kondo, who survived the bombing as an infant, wondered if she would act on her fantasy and punch him, the host asked Lewis how he felt after dropping the bomb… “Looking down from thousands of feet over Hiroshima, all I could think of was, ‘God, what have we done?’” he said. Kondo saw tears well in Lewis’ eyes, and her hatred melted away. “He was not a monster; he was just another human being… I knew that I should hate the war, not him. It’s time we human beings get together and abolish nuclear weapons, We have hope.

as we take this moment of eternity to re-member the devastation wrought during this week 77 years ago and as we sit on the precipice of the possibility of nuclear annihilation, let us heed the words of another who rued his role in the Manhattan Project:

“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage – to move in the opposite direction. The splitting of the atom has changed everything except the way we think. Thus we drift toward unparalleled catastrophe. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive.”  ~ Albert Einstein ~

and towards that resolve, listen now to the call to action of peace activist John Miksad:

It’s time to stop the MAD-ness!

“Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed 77 years ago this week. The two bombs the United States dropped on those cities killed some 200,000 human beings, most of whom were civilians. Comparing those bombs to the weapons of today is like comparing a colonial era musket to an AR-15. Now we can snuff out the lives of billions with the push of a button. When you consider the other species we’d annihilate, the number of lives lost “mushrooms” into the trillions. The result would be the destruction of a large portion of life on the planet. 

MAD= Mutually Assured Destruction, the actual nuclear war planners’ term.

Think of the billions of years of evolutionary work that would be undone.

Think of everything our ancestors created and passed down to us… incinerated. 

Think of all the art, literature, music, poetry that humans created through the millennia…up in smoke. The genius of Shakespeare, Michelangelo, Beethoven… destroyed.  

Think of everything you worked for, planned for, hoped for… gone.

Think of everyone you love wiped from the face of the earth.

All that will remain is death and suffering. 

Man, who has killed so much in his brief existence on this planet, will have committed the ultimate crime…omnicide…the murder of all life.

Those “lucky” enough to survive will have to suffer in toxic destruction.  

The aftermath of the holocaust will be worse than anything dystopian writers ever imagined.  

All as a result of just one fateful decision, one evil act, one miscalculation, one system error, or some confluence of these events.   

While all life on earth hangs in the balance, we go about our lives. We’ve normalized something that is abnormal, abhorrent, and insane. We are under continuous threat.  We don’t fully understand the psychological harm…the fear and anxiety that we experience at some level of our individual and collective psyches that struggles to grapple with our omnipresent potential destruction. The nuclear Sword of Damocles dangling above our heads while we eat, sleep, work and play.   

Our collective fate is in the hands of nine people who control the 13,000 nuclear warheads in the world…these weapons of massive obliteration. Nine fallible and flawed human beings have the means to destroy all life on the planet. Are we really ok with this? Do we trust them with the lives of everyone we know and love? Isn’t it past time for a sanity check?

No one is safe. This war moved beyond the battlefield long ago. The front lines are in every country, in every town and city, in your backyard, and in your children’s and grandchildren’s bedrooms.

Some think of nuclear weapons as a life insurance policy. They think that although we don’t want to use them, they are good to have when we need them. This thinking could not be more wrong. Since these weapons have been in existence, there have been more near misses and close calls than any rational person would be comfortable with. We’ve escaped annihilation by luck! 

Scientists concur; we are in extreme danger right now. As long as these weapons of mass destruction exist, the question is not if they will be used, but when, at which point we get perhaps 30 minutes to say our goodbyes. The arms races of today do not make us safe; they put all of us in jeopardy while making weapons manufacturers wealthy.

It doesn’t have to be this way. There is a way to have real safety and security, health, and well-being. Russians, Chinese, Iranians, and North Koreans need not be our enemies. 

There are only two ways to eliminate an enemy…either destroy him or make him your friend. Given the weapons in question, destroying the enemy assures our own destruction. It’s a murder/suicide pact. That leaves only one option. We have to talk through our differences and convert our enemies into our friends. The time has come to realize this previously unimagined possibility. 

All people of all nations are faced with the interrelated threats of pandemics, climate crises, and nuclear annihilation. These existential threats cannot be solved by any one nation. These global threats require global solutions. They force us to adopt a new paradigm. We need dialog, diplomacy, strong democratized international institutions, and an expansive portfolio of verifiable and enforceable de-militarizing international treaties to reduce fear and build trust. 

Nuclear weapons are all illegal. There are nine rogue states that continue to threaten all of us with their nuclear weapons…the United States, Russia, China, England, France, Israel, India, Pakistan, and North Korea. The governments of these nations need to be pushed to adopt the new paradigm. They are stuck in the old paradigm of zero-sum games, “might makes right,” and treating the earth as a geopolitical chessboard while fighting over land, resources, or ideology. Martin Luther King was right when he said that we will either learn to live together as brothers and sisters or we will perish together as fools. 

We cannot leave all of life on this beautiful planet in the hands of nine people.  These people and their governments have chosen either consciously or unconsciously to threaten us all. We, the people, have the power to change that. We just have to exercise it.”

let us all gather in sacred ceremony around the inner fire of our one cosmic heart committing to befriending all the children of the earth and thus co-creating a cosmos of peace founded on justice and guided by love… 


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 232 – 8/5/2022

“This is our cry, This is our prayer, Peace in the world.”

~ Sadako’s friends ~


today i gather virtually at the Atomic Bomb Dome, the only structure left standing in the area 77 years ago when the first ever atomic bomb was detonated on Hiroshima, with astonishing lights of being around the globe as i have for the last many turns around the sun to commemorate what is described as the most significant day in history, the day the United States detonated the first atomic bomb killing over 220,000 innocent beings with many more dying in the following decades from the radiation… we gather on Japanese time so we can be together at 8:15 AM on August 6 when the siren goes off in Hiroshima commencing a moment of silence…

this ceremony is always so powerful and moving and the most inspiring part for me is hearing from the hibakusha, the ones who as children in an instant saw their classmates die, their family members die, their city devastated with thousands of bodies dead in the streets, themselves burned and 77 years later the mission in them is stronger than ever to abolish all nuclear weapons, that what happened to them never happen again… let’s listen now to their urgent appeal…

At present, humanity stands at the crossroads of whether to save our blue planet with all living things on it as it is or to go along the road of self-destruction.

The two atomic bombs dropped on August 6th and 9th 1945 by the US forces totally destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki in an instant, and killed and wounded hundreds of thousands of people without discrimination. With corpses charred black, bodies with their skins peeled off and with lines of people tottering in silence, a hell on earth emerged. Those who narrowly survived soon collapsed one after another. For 77 years since then we have struggled to live on, afflicted by the delayed effects and by anxiety about the possible effects of radiation on our children and grandchildren. Never again do we want such tragedies to be repeated.

After 11 years of silence following the A-bomb suffering, Hibakusha assembled in Nagasaki in August 1956 and founded Nihon Hidankyo, the Japan Confederation of A-and H-bomb Sufferers Organizations. There we pledged that we would work to “save humanity from its crisis through the lessons learned from our experiences, while at the same time saving ourselves”. Since then we have continued appealing to the world that “there should never be another Hibakusha.” This is the cry of our soul.

Wars and conflicts are still going on in the world, and many lives of innocent people are lost. Nuclear weapons are being used to threaten others. There are also moves to develop new nuclear weapons. The destructive power of existing nuclear weapons, which number well over 10 thousand, amounts to that of tens of thousands of Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs combined. Nuclear weapons are the “weapons of the devil”. They could wipe out the human race and all other creatures. They could destroy the environment and turn the globe into a dead planet.

Human beings have prohibited the use, development, production and possession of biological and chemical weapons by treaties and protocols. Why do we hesitate to prohibit nuclear weapons, which are far more destructive than these weapons? We, the Hibakusha, call on all State Governments to conclude a treaty to ban and eliminate nuclear weapons.

The average age of the Hibakusha now exceeds 80. It is our strong desire to achieve a nuclear weapon-free world in our lifetime, so that succeeding generations of people will not see hell on earth ever again. You, your families and relatives, or any other people should not be made Hibakusha again…”

on the cenotaph in the Peace Park in Hiroshima is an inscription which reads, ‘Rest in peace; the mistake will not be repeated’. This has become the prayer and vow of many survivors, who are determined to make sure that the deaths of loved ones has not been in vain and that no human being will ever have to repeat their fate. may we all commit to share the Hibakusha vow and mission…

hear our prayer and cry: Peace Prevails on Earth!

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 231 – 8/4/2022

ah, today is the last day of this turn around the sun when, according to the I Ching,  brother sun shines on the hexagram of re-treat and what a moment as we begin the re-memberings of the 77th anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki… since Japan is 16 hours ahead of the pacific northwest, the Hiroshima day of prayer which begins with a moment of silence at the exact moment of the atomic bomb drop is 4:15pm here on the 5th and 8:15 on the 6th in Hiroshima… this picture of Sadako and her thousand cranes is one of my favorites, i resonate so with this child’s wish for peace on earth… after a morning in the healing temple, i’m making the most of today as a day of pause, a day of gap, of dwelling in the unknown, a day of mystery reflecting, a day of packing away belongings, inventorying life, emptying self, detaching from the noisy world, letting go, letting go, letting go, bowing to the deep, joining the council of elders round the fire of purification in sweet surrender melting into oneness…

fires of purification brings me to dreams of fire – is it fires of purification or annihilation or are they one and the same – have been dancing across the consciousness field, dreaming me for days, long before the blistering heat wave and raging wildfires that permeate our days here in the pacific northwest… through burning eyes and sweltering, sedating body heat, i feel the annihilation of all that’s inessential, the burning away of the chaff, the releasing of the rust, the polishing and burnishing the mirror until it reflects pure love, the only thing that’s real, that’s eternal, that’s ever expanding in widening waves of light moving us in deepening spirals into the center of being simply ourselves…

thank you for joining with me in being a pulse that lights up the world with prayers for harmony, conscious evolution and for peace to prevail on Earth…


The Nuclear Prayer

The Beginning and the End are in your hands, O Creator of the Universe. And in our hands you have placed the fate of this planet. We, who are tested by having both creative and destructive power in our free will, turn to you in sober fear and in intoxicating hope. We ask for your guidance and to share in your imagination in our deliberations about the use of nuclear force. Help us to lift the fog of atomic darkness that hovers so pervasively over our Earth, Your Earth, so that soon all eyes may see life magnified by your pure light.

Bless all of us who wait today for your Presence and who dedicate ourselves to achieve your intended peace and rightful equilibrium on Earth. In the Name of all that is holy and all that is hoped. Amen.


  may peace prevail on earth, may every thread of the web of life be peace now and may all relatives dance in devocean to love…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 230 – 8/3/2022

the dalai lama’s words are integral to my morning devoceanal, another great set of sacred instructions on this journey of traveling the pathless path… now, i want to turn to someone i don’t know personally but who’s beeping in on radar with more sacred instruction…

Julie Yip-Williams, no stranger to tragedy, died over four years ago after living with cancer for five years… As a mother of young girls, one of her top priorities was leaving behind words of comfort for her daughters…. the following letter is excerpted from the book, Letters of Note: Mothers….

“Dear Mia and Isabelle,

I have solved all the logistical problems resulting from my death that I can think of — I am hiring a very reasonably priced cook for you and Daddy; I have left a list of instructions about who your dentist is and when your school tuition needs to be paid and when to renew the violin rental contract and the identity of the piano tuner. In the coming days, I will make videos about all the ins and outs of the apartment, so that everyone knows where the air filters are and what kind of dog food Chipper eats. But I realized that these things are the low-hanging fruit, the easy-to-solve but relatively unimportant problems of the oh so mundane.

I realized that I would have failed you greatly as your mother if I did not try to ease your pain from my loss, if I didn’t at least attempt to address what will likely be the greatest question of your young lives. You will forever be the kids whose mother died of cancer, have people looking at you with some combination of sympathy and pity (which you will no doubt resent, even if everyone means well). That fact of your mother dying will weave into the fabric of your lives like a glaring stain on an otherwise pristine tableau. You will ask as you look around at all the other people who still have their parents, Why did my mother have to get sick and die? It isn’t fair, you will cry. And you will want so painfully for me to be there to hug you when your friend is mean to you, to look on as your ears are being pierced, to sit in the front row clapping loudly at your music recitals, to be that annoying parent insisting on another photo with the college graduate, to help you get dressed on your wedding day, to take your newborn babe from your arms so you can sleep. And every time you yearn for me, it will hurt all over again and you will wonder why.

I don’t know if my words could ever ease your pain. But I would be remiss if I did not try…

My sweet babies, I do not have the answer to the question of why, at least not now and not in this life. But I do know that there is incredible value in pain and suffering, if you allow yourself to experience it, to cry, to feel sorrow and grief, to hurt. Walk through the fire and you will emerge on the other end, whole and stronger. I promise. You will ultimately find truth and beauty and wisdom and peace. You will understand that nothing lasts forever, not pain, or joy. You will understand that joy cannot exist without sadness. Relief cannot exist without pain. Compassion cannot exist without cruelty. Courage cannot exist without fear. Hope cannot exist without despair. Wisdom cannot exist without suffering. Gratitude cannot exist without deprivation. Paradoxes abound in this life. Living is an exercise in navigating within them.

I was deprived of sight. And yet, that single unfortunate physical condition changed me for the better. Instead of leaving me wallowing in self-pity, it made me more ambitious. It made me more resourceful. It made me smarter. It taught me to ask for help, to not be ashamed of my physical shortcoming. It forced me to be honest with myself and my limitations, and eventually to be honest with others. It taught me strength and resilience.

You will be deprived of a mother. As your mother, I wish I could protect you from the pain. But also as your mother, I want you to feel the pain, to live it, embrace it, and then learn from it. Be stronger people because of it, for you will know that you carry my strength within you. Be more compassionate people because of it; empathize with those who suffer in their own ways. Rejoice in life and all its beauty because of it; live with special zest and zeal for me. Be grateful in a way that only someone who lost her mother so early can, in your understanding of the precariousness and preciousness of life. This is my challenge to you, my sweet girls, to take an ugly tragedy and transform it into a source of beauty, love, strength, courage, and wisdom.

Many may disagree, but I have always believed, always, even when I was a precocious little girl crying alone in my bed, that our purpose in this life is to experience everything we possibly can, to understand as much of the human condition as we can squeeze into one lifetime, however long or short that may be. We are here to feel the complex range of emotions that come with being human. And from those experiences, our souls expand and grow and learn and change, and we understand a little more about what it really means to be human. I call it the evolution of the soul. Know that your mother lived an incredible life that was filled with more than her “fair” share of pain and suffering, first with her blindness and then with cancer. And I allowed that pain and suffering to define me, to change me, but for the better.

In the years since my diagnosis, I have known love and compassion that I never knew possible; I have witnessed and experienced for myself the deepest levels of human caring, which humbled me to my core and compelled me to be a better person. I have known a mortal fear that was crushing, and yet I overcame that fear and found courage. The lessons that blindness and then cancer have taught me are too many for me to recount here, but I hope, when you read what follows, you will understand how it is possible to be changed in a positive way by tragedy and you will learn the true value of suffering. The worth of a person’s life lies not in the number of years lived; rather it rests on how well that person has absorbed the lessons of that life, how well that person has come to understand and distill the multiple, messy aspects of the human experience. While I would have chosen to stay with you for much longer had the choice been mine, if you can learn from my death, if you accepted my challenge to be better people because of my death, then that would bring my spirit inordinate joy and peace.

You will feel alone and lonely, and yet, understand that you are not alone. It is true that we walk this life alone, because we feel what we feel singularly and each of us makes our own choices. But it is possible to reach out and find those like you, and in so doing you will feel not so lonely. This is another one of life’s paradoxes that you will learn to navigate. First and foremost, you have each other to lean on. You are sisters, and that gives you a bond of blood and common experiences that is like no other. Find solace in one another. Always forgive and love one another…

And last, wherever I may go, a part of me will always be with you. My blood flows within you. You have inherited the best parts of me. Even though I won’t physically be here, I will be watching over you... I love you both forever and ever, to infinity, through space and time. Never ever forget that.”

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 229 – 8/2/2022

in this moment of eternity we celebrate the astonishing light of our being on this high holy day known in the northern hemisphere as soular harvest, lammas, the celtic festival of lughnasadh honoring the great sun king, the god of light as well as the queen mother of the grain and earth and their union that creates the seeds of all life and brings forth the harvest signifying the continual circle of life and the eventual surrender to the source of light…

may we celebrate the feasting and grace that the source of all life provides to sustain all cosmic hearts and hands…

may we appreciate the great gift the cosmos bestows on us during lammas – the union of Venus and Mars and a new energy of relationship emerges flowing through the divine feminine and birthing a wise feminine energy so needed in this moment…

may the wisdom of the divine feminine re-awaken original blessing reality – revealing we are the ones we’ve been waiting for to mutate into/back to original sacred instructions, the mystical law that we are one and we can trust in the power of the sacred self, the soul to transform… blessed bee!

inspired by the astonishing light of our being, let’s take this moment, this wild and precious moment to leap with faith into the mystical world beyond the five senses and reason and conditional love and judgement into the tiny space of the heart, vast spaciousness of the all that is as we read the sacred words of the thanksgiving address… deep bows, co-hearts…


Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address

 Greetings to the Natural World

The People

Today we have gathered and we see that the cycles of life continue. We have been given the duty to live in balance and harmony with each other and all living things. So now, we bring our minds together as one as we give greetings and thanks to each other as people.

Now our minds are one.

The Earth Mother

We are all thankful to our Mother, the Earth, for she gives us all that we need for life. She supports our feet as we walk about upon her. It gives us joy that she continues to care for us as she has from the beginning of time. To our mother, we send greetings and thanks.

Now our minds are one.

The Waters

We give thanks to all the waters of the world for quenching our thirst and providing us with strength. Water is life. We know its power in many forms- waterfalls and rain, mists and streams, rivers and oceans. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to the spirit of Water.

Now our minds are one.

The Fish

We turn our minds to the all the Fish life in the water. They were instructed to cleanse and purify the water. They also give themselves to us as food. We are grateful that we can still find pure water. So, we turn now to the Fish and send our greetings and thanks.

Now our minds are one.

The Plants

Now we turn toward the vast fields of Plant life. As far as the eye can see, the Plants grow, working many wonders. They sustain many life forms. With our minds gathered together, we give thanks and look forward to seeing Plant life for many generations to come.

Now our minds are one.

The Food Plants

With one mind, we turn to honor and thank all the Food Plants we harvest from the garden. Since the beginning of time, the grains, vegetables, beans and berries have helped the people survive. Many other living things draw strength from them too. We gather all the Plant Foods together as one and send them a greeting of thanks.

Now our minds are one.

The Medicine Herbs

Now we turn to all the Medicine herbs of the world. From the beginning they were instructed to take away sickness. They are always waiting and ready to heal us. We are happy there are still among us those special few who remember how to use these plants for healing. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to the Medicines and to the keepers of the Medicines. Now our minds are one.

The Animals

We gather our minds together to send greetings and thanks to all the Animal life in the world. They have many things to teach us as people. We are honored by them when they give up their lives so we may use their bodies as food for our people. We see them near our homes and in the deep forests. We are glad they are still here and we hope that it will always be so.

 Now our minds are one

The Trees

We now turn our thoughts to the Trees. The Earth has many families of Trees who have their own instructions and uses. Some provide us with shelter and shade, others with fruit, beauty and other useful things. Many people of the world use a Tree as a symbol of peace and strength. With one mind, we greet and thank the Tree life.

Now our minds are one.

The Birds

We put our minds together as one and thank all the Birds who move and fly about over our heads. The Creator gave them beautiful songs. Each day they remind us to enjoy and appreciate life. The Eagle was chosen to be their leader. To all the Birds-from the smallest to the largest-we send our joyful greetings and thanks.

Now our minds are one.

 The Four Winds

We are all thankful to the powers we know as the Four Winds. We hear their voices in the moving air as they refresh us and purify the air we breathe. They help us to bring the change of seasons. From the four directions they come, bringing us messages and giving us strength. With one mind, we send our greetings and thanks to the Four Winds.

Now our minds are one.

 The Thunderers

Now we turn to the west where our grandfathers, the Thunder Beings, live. With lightning and thundering voices, they bring with them the water that renews life. We are thankful that they keep those evil things made by Okwiseres underground. We bring our minds together as one to send greetings and thanks to our Grandfathers, the Thunderers.

Now our minds are one.

 The Sun

We now send greetings and thanks to our eldest Brother, the Sun. Each day without fail he travels the sky from east to west, bringing the light of a new day. He is the source of all the fires of life. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to our Brother, the Sun.

Now our minds are one.

 Grandmother Moon

We put our minds together to give thanks to our oldest Grandmother, the Moon, who lights the night-time sky. She is the leader of woman all over the world, and she governs the movement of the ocean tides. By her changing face we measure time, and it is the Moon who watches over the arrival of children here on Earth. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to our Grandmother, the Moon.

 Now our minds are one.

The Stars

We give thanks to the Stars who are spread across the sky like jewelry. We see them in the night, helping the Moon to light the darkness and bringing dew to the gardens and growing things. When we travel at night, they guide us home. With our minds gathered together as one, we send greetings and thanks to the Stars.

Now our minds are one.

The Enlightened Teachers

We gather our minds to greet and thank the enlightened Teachers who have come to help throughout the ages. When we forget how to live in harmony, they remind us of the way we were instructed to live as people. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to these caring teachers.

 Now our minds are one.

The Creator

Now we turn our thoughts to the Creator, or Great Spirit, and send greetings and thanks for all the gifts of Creation. Everything we need to live a good life is here on this Mother Earth. For all the love that is still around us, we gather our minds together as one and send our choicest words of greetings and thanks to the Creator.

 Now our minds are one.

Closing Words

We have now arrived at the place where we end our words. Of all the things we have named, it was not our intention to leave anything out. If something was forgotten, we leave it to each individual to send such greetings and thanks in their own way.

Now our minds are one.
