Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 235 – 8/8/2022

so much to celebrate and commemorate on this day of pilgrimage in the moment of eternity of the heliacal rise of sirius in egypt, that moment when the dog star, the brightest star in the sky rises before the sun… how i love this portal, this gateway into more expansive and deeper realms of consciousness when potent messages from the invisible realms are flowing freely… involving three key players, the sun and earth and the star sirius, this portal is set in motion in july when the sun and sirius known as the spiritual sun seem to merge together and are seen as one with our sun swallowed by sirius to die and be reborn with the frequencies of sirius during the first weeks of august when the sun is in the constellation of leo giving us the name lion’s gate… the energies are potent throughout the portal and especially dramatic on the heliacal rise of our great central sun when the sun and earth are directly opposed and our reborn sun laser beams the energies of the spiritual sun into pachamama raising the earth’s frequency, raising our frequency to love and above… in this mystical gateway which vibrates at the frequency of the energies of empathy, compassion and understanding, it is the moment to boldly move onward wholeheartedly…

are you feeling the energy of your inner lioness, the divine soular feminine, roaring gently into all your wild cells and quickening the rhythmic flow of love and compassion?

yes, today the doors of love and compassion are flung wide open for all to breeze through with our courageous lionhearts into this brave new world of lovingkindness and compassion…

let’s all take this moment, this astonishing light of interbeing moment. to bask in the radiant light streaming through us to see through the eyes of wonder and wisdom all that is as it truly is… a beautyway of love and light… as a circle of us gathered to commemorate the moment the bomb exploded in Nagasaki with a moment of silence at 11:02 AM Japan time which is 16 hours ahead of my time zone, we came together to build peace in the world knowing peace is possible…

how i love this portal and feeling the fiery energies of the fierce feminine protectress calling us into greater truth by burning what is stagnant and stuck, transmuting the energy in the fires of purification into the energy of the truth that sets us free to dream ourselves and the world awake with the support of the courageous heart of the lioness always available to breathe us into greater communion with the all that is by syncing into our hara and breathing ourselves deeper into the great world womb feeling the warmth of the brilliant light of our inner fire…

may we all live in the field of the illuminated heart of the beautyway…